whenever i try to get into cas it is just stuck at the loading screen, i saw someone else say it was happening to them and they removed the multiple columns mods and it worked after, i removed the mod, repaired the game and retared it multiple times and its still not working and just on the loading screen, is there anything else i can do to try to fix it?
cas not opening since new update
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I’m having the same problem I tried to load in the house it stayed there for 20 minutes anybody know how to help?
- Angel_Moon0228 months agoNew Spectator
I uninstalled the more columns mod and it still doesn't work for me, I don't have UI cheats 😞
- Miataplay8 months agoLegend
I'm having the same issue with CAS not opening after the update. I removed my whole sims 4 folder before updating and started a new pure vanilla game after updating. CAS dose not open when you go to a dresser to plan outfits it just keeps loading. I have to end the game in Task Manager in order to restart the game.
- OptimusSupernova8 months agoNew Spectator
Same here, it's as if they didn't test their stupid patch...
- juliems008 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
It can be any CAS mod! Like stand still in cas, but the one that’s the worst is more traits in cas, but idk if you have that. I downloaded mod manager and started combing through everything, and just sorting it.
- bigtewf8 months agoNew Spectator
this is happening to me too. i got the update and every time i click modify cas or cas from manage households it gets stuck at the loading screen. the needs are also full but yellow and acts like im not fulfilling the need.
Fr like they should have left it alone
- Miataplay8 months agoLegend
After adding my mods folder, I can do all the functions on the dresser except for going into CAS to plan outfits. I can still play the game fine; I just can't plan any outfits in CAS at the moment. I'm so glad that most of my families have several outfits in each category that they can still change into without going into CAS.
What a mess. 🙃😒
- shannonamom8 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
I can't open CAS, start a new household or anything. I repaired and updated, nothing works.
- juliems008 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
Do you have mods? If so, here’s a few culprits that always break the game. These also caused my game to break today:
UI cheats
More traits in cas
More columns in cas
Stand still in cas
MC Command Center (Possible, but not for me)
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