
CassieTheRock's avatar
New Spectator
19 days ago

Different skin color showing in GUI

My Sims entire colour palette changes- his entire skin tone , clothes, hair ect and his Sim panel at the bottom of the screen keeps flittering between his regular look and the random look (his regular look should be the darker palette). If I zoom out he looks normal but I zoom in and he looks completely different??? 

Edit By Crinrict: Adjusted Title


  • Do you have this with every Sim or just this specific one ?

    To be sure, you never used mods/cc or did you remove them ?

  • CassieTheRock's avatar
    New Spectator
    19 days ago

    It's just this one sim and I don't use any mods or CC in my game 


  • crinrict's avatar
    18 days ago

    Since that hairstyle looks very odd on the pic, could you try if it makes a difference if you use a different one ?

    To be sure, it's only in the HUD/GUI where it's wrong ? He looks fine in the game  ?

  • HALirious9k's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot
    18 days ago

    (I’m not OP)

    This bug happened to me a couple days ago, it seems the mood picture and the Sims themself keep their polygons but all textures are overlaid with someone else’s. 
    When this happened to my Sim, he was doing homework in Britechester and all his textures changed to something like OP’s screen cap. At the time it puzzled me, but later I realized the colors matched a townie who also happened to be a UBrite student and whom my Sim was acquaintances with. Such townie wasn’t around that I know of, I only realized the texture switcheroo later when they bumped into each other at the UBrite Commons and o noticed his (the townie’s) outfit was a perfect match for the bugged textures.

    The issue fixed itself after traveling to another lot, but while it took place, some of the rasterized images of this one outfit (small portraits, mood portrait, outfit picker) were all overwritten with the townies’ textures, while keeping his regular polygons. 
    Since then it didn’t happen again. I play o console, so it’s mod free guaranteed — also, it was a completely different hair style, so I don’t think it’s the source of the issue. 

  • HALirious9k's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot
    18 days ago

    Something very similar happened to my Sim a few days ago. Is there any townie (NPC) around who matches the color scheme of the bugged portrait? (clothes, skin and hair color)

  • crinrict's avatar
    18 days ago

    Was this townie someone from your dorm or does your Sim live at home ?

  • HALirious9k's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot
    17 days ago

    Living at home in Oasis Springs. He was there just to study and for the comped meals in the cafeteria — when it worked. 

  • crinrict's avatar
    17 days ago

    Thanks. Waiting for OP to check if this could be the issue for them too.

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