
mandacaju's avatar
New Hotshot
4 months ago

Disappearing fences next to roofs

I'm not sure how to report this - I have the impression that this is not a bug, but intentional. I don't understand why.

So when I place a roof next to my fences, the fence disappears. 

This is usually a problem with historical buildings which commonly has this feature. I end up using half walls or debug fences but it's inconvenient because I can't style-match the rest of my buildings. 

Doesn't work no matter how low the roof is or how high the platform I build is. 


  • mandacaju  I tested this and got the same thing you did.  The roof will turn the fences invisible when they intersect the fence.  In your case, the roof is ignoring the platform but treats the fence the same way it would if the platform wasn't present.  By default, the build system will display the roof wall rather than the fence.  I know of no way around it other than to modify the build so you don't have that condition.  Hope this helps.

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