
QueenSaraphine's avatar
Seasoned Hotshot
4 months ago
Under Investigation

Effect from Scare Seeker lot challenge doesn't go away after removing it/moving

I had the lot challenge active on a different lot, and then my simmers moved to a new house, without the scare seeker lot active on the plot. Now my sims keeps getting a bored moodlet from not experiencing any thrill from the scare seeker lot. Even though I don't have it activated on the current lot. Don't know if it's intended or if it's a bug.

Edit By Crinrict: Adjusted Title fit bug report at AHQ


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    That is interesting that it persisted for your Sim through moving, probably means that there's a hidden trait on the Sim that causes it that doesn't get properly removed.

    There was a report on AHQ for this but just for removing the challenge.

    Would you mind uploading your Sim to the gallery and posting the name here ?

  • I also have the same bug. I even removed the lot trait from the house, but the bored moodlet keeps appearing

  • I'll upload the one I'm playing now, the kid from the original family that is now young adult, happens to all different sims that I've been playing since the lot trait was first added. 
    I also keep getting last exception error reports through mccc that are connected to the scare seeker lot (failing to create gift objects such as skill books etc)

  • Your Sim has this hidden moodlet

    You should be able to remove it with MCCC. Could you check if that makes a difference 

    Also this trait: 

    I think this got left behind when you turned off the lot. Maybe it even works to just remove the trait. and the buff will run out on it's own.


    Could you also upload the LE you're getting ? Either upload as rar (I hope that works here) or c/p the content.

  • I've done that several times (remove with mccc) and it keeps returning every time she travels to a different lot that doesn't have anything scary going on, whether the lot is active or not. 

    I'm not too bothered with it anymore since my sim usually has more stronger emotion buffs from other things going on now and it falls back in the background lol.

    This is the latest LE I got around 12 hours ago after I had switched households to the Charm household (they had adopted a ton of horses that they neglected, lol had to fix that)

    • Last Module Called:
    • Last Function Called: _place_object
    • Error message: Exception when applying action <ObjectCreationOp ParticipantType.Actor> for loot loot_R3Event_ThrillSeeker_giveGift(loot_actions=(randomWeightedLoot_R3Event_ThrillSeeker_Gift, <BuffRemovalOp ParticipantType.Actor>), run_test_first=False, tests=CompoundTestList([(BuffTest(apply_whitelist_on_individual_basis=True, blacklist=frozenset({buff_R3Event_ThrillSeeker_Terrified_Hidden}), blacklist_tags=frozenset(), subject=ParticipantType.Actor, tooltip=None, whitelist=None, whitelist_tags=None),)])) (AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'is_sim'), CategoryID: object_creation:1146
  • Maybe there's something more. I'm guessing it's the same thing as reported on AHQ so I'll adjust title to fit.

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