
SpicyDyzaster's avatar
Rising Rookie
7 months ago

Encountering Multiple Bugs even after patch

I know they said they were prioritizing but wanted to post the bugs I'm still experiencing just in case. I do not have any mods or custom content at all. 

  • My sim cannot select a dish to clean up. I can drag and drop into the sink but can't do anything with it when I click on it.
  • My sim randomly goes invisible but still there watching tv/cooking whatever it may be she was doing. If she goes off screen (like she uses an elevator) than she will reappear.
  • Get stuck on loading screen when traveling (I've tried multiple different  lots and not all just from the new expansion) and it never comes off of it so I have to close out of my game entirely losing any progress. 




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  • I've - like a lot of players - encountered a lot of bugs in the last days while playing with the newest pack, Lovestruck. So many bugs I'm just using the game to make some new houses and leave the gameplay alone until they're all fixed (high hopes, I know). 

    Just some stats to start of: 

    1. Pc player (Windows 11, EA app)
    2. occured right after the latest update 
    3. I have all the packs & other things
    4. Mods are taken out
    5. I've already restarted, fixed my game, and all the other stuff you can do

    At first I thought it was my mods acting up but after searching for hours I just took them all out and the bugs were still the same. 

    Basically, the bugs can be categorized into a few categories (shocker).

    1. Basic sim stuff (sleeping, eating, reading, using bathroom...)
      1. Those work when you don't control your sim. They will eat, sleep in bed... autonomously but not when you tell them to. Then they'll just stay where they are at the moment (sitting, standing) and start sleeping, reading, showering. Food will not be made, the fridge is just neglected when asked to make food. Even for toddlers. (They don't give bottles,...). When they go to the toilet (it works), they keep peeing (so that doesn't work).
      2. They don't teach toddlers to go potty (I had toddlers go potty without training!), don't discipline children or pets, or talk to other sims when asked. They, again, do it autonomously though. --> Children can still play in the toilet but do this from where they are standing/sitting at that time.
      3. Can't pick up toddlers or put them to bed.
    2. Skills & outdoor
      1. Skills are still gathered while doing the things to build them. So f.ex. they will paint a painting but not go to the easel. (still can sell the painting !) They will read a book when you click on the bookshelf but not fysically pick up the book, sit down & read. The skill will still build. Same with the PC. The don't go and sit down but use it like normal otherwise. 
      2. They phone to go somewhere but nothing changes. They keep talking on the phone.
      3. Can look for & at Axolotls but stay still when they are at the place they do this
      4. Seeds can be bought but not planted. They get stuck.
    3. Overall
      1. Moodlets stay. My sims has been happy but also annoyed because his toddlers bathtime (3 days ago) soaked him. 
      2. WE CAN SET HOLIDAYS (so that's a good thing. Although I heard people that are having problems with this as well)
      3. Cupid app just shows profile, nothing more. Other "buttons" don't work like they're supposed to.
      4. They can change outfits & even use the new trunk. But changing back from a costume doesn't work clicking on the trunk.
      5. No work notification/going to work
      6. We can buy Units to rent out but they price, by default, changes to 1 simoleon.
      7. can't talk to other sims when asked to. Instant dislike points too. 
      8. Sims can walk around & use the stairs but are frozen in place most of the time.
      9. TV can be turned on but they don't watch it.


    And these are just the things I've written down in the first half hour of playing and testing things out. I gave up after that and just focused on building stuff.

  • Status changed:

    Locking this as it's a multi report with several things.

    Please create a new thread per issue if you still have issues on a game with no mods/cc.

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