Hello everyone! I updated the game yesterday and I can't download new lots and families due to "EA.Sims4.Network.TrayBlueprintMetadata class doesn't have dynamicAreas nor dynamic_areas key". Does anyone have the same trouble? Photo is attached
Error in online gallery
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- DragonOfWales3 days agoNew Rookie
Also experiencing this. Was working fine before.
- crinrict3 days agoHero+
what platform are you guys on ? Any mods/cc ?
- crinrict3 days agoHero+Status changed:NewtoTroubleshooting
Platform? I use online version of gallery, I’ve got some mods, but updated
- crinrict3 days agoHero+
Mac ? PC ? XBox ? Playstation ?
- crinrict3 days agoHero+
Could you try removing your mods and repairing the game if you haven't
but I can download the older builds from the gallery. With new pack - absolutely not…
- catloverplayer2 days agoLegend
I downloaded the Branche Household from Maxis from the online gallery and when I get into the gallery it's X'd out and clicking on it it says this household is corrupted.
- DragonOfWales2 days agoNew Rookie
Hey Crinrict. I'm also on PC and was also referencing the EA website gallery version. Older downloads were also working fine, just tattoos and builds/sims using the latest pack. The ingame gallery is working fine for me.
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