Since installing the For Rent expansion pack, anytime I have used the world in any capacity it has glitched, broken and crashed my game. For example, the lots will show the individual vacancies with a rent price of 4 billion simoleons - despite being empty - and sometimes the vacant lots will not be available to move into. When I click onto the lots to preview them whilst still being in the "manage worlds" menu, my game will freeze and crash, losing any progress I had made before. Any mods I use have been both updated and tested when disabling mods and I still have the same issue. The lot type with For Rent works - from what I know - somewhat fine in other worlds that I own and that of the base game (besides some gameplay issues such as; rent not being paid to my owner sim, landlord events being very few/only experiencing the same two events/the events themselves not working properly(the electricity problem where there are no appliances to fix)). However, the world with For Rent making my game crash and losing progress is not something i can look past - especially when it takes 30 mins to get through all the loading screens...
For Rent - World Menu and Lots
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- jpkarlsen6 months agoHero (Retired)
Move your Mods folder to the Desktop and delete localthumbcache.package. Then test the game in a new save.
If it works now check for updates to your Mods and CC. Add it back a little at a time while testing until you have found all that are broken. - crinrict5 months agoHero+Status changed:NewtoTroubleshooting
Hi Scar06lett
Are you still having issues with this after the latest patch ?
- crinrict3 months agoHero+Status changed:TroubleshootingtoResolved
Marking this as resolved as there was no further info given. There's been quite a few fixes for For Rent and it's unclear if this is still an issue.
Please create a new thread with more details in The Sims 4 Gameplay Questions & Issues | EA Forums if you need further troubleshooting help.
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