I'm yet again having the issue where the full-screen splash ads for packs that I already own freeze the game and make it unplayable.
This is incredibly frustrating and it has been going on - and a ...
Frozen game/menu after ad
4 days agoNew Vanguard
Happening to me too since full screen ads introduced. I own everything and therefore find these ads that prevent me launching my game extra annoying. Both today and yesterday I had to restart 4 times each before I could enter my game. When closing the ads, I get stuck in a greyed out main menu that I cannot click anything. Sometimes I can exit the game by the X in the corner, others I have to force restart. I have script mods typically but even without and repaired this continues to be an issue.
About The Sims 4 Bug Reports
Report bugs for The Sims 4 on PC, Mac, Playstation, and Xbox.Latest Activity: 3 days ago