I'm yet again having the issue where the full-screen splash ads for packs that I already own freeze the game and make it unplayable.
This is incredibly frustrating and it has been going on - and a ...
Frozen game/menu after ad
3 days agoSeasoned Scout
Example of grey screen w/game version
I'm playing the Deluxe Version with all EPs, GPs and SPs. It's easier to list the kits I don't have: Business Chic, Refined Living Room, Casanova Cave, Sweet Slumber Party, Party Essentials, Urban Homage, Goth Galore, Poolside Splash, Simtimates Collection, First Fits, Moonlight Chic, Carnaval Streetwear, Modern Menswear, Incheon Arrivals. Game version is latest:
About The Sims 4 Bug Reports
Report bugs for The Sims 4 on PC, Mac, Playstation, and Xbox.Latest Activity: 2 months ago