There have been numerous reports made on these forums asking for your help and assistants, EA Maxis. Some of these have been overlooked now for over a year or more. As such some of these issues renders our use of these items or the game pack itself as useless and unplayable.
As such, I am comprising a list of broken game content that have not been fixed and remain ongoing for a year or better.... or are rendering items or full lot types unplayable.
1.) For Rent:
- Furnishings/appliances combust frequently no matter if curse book was in play or not. When the curse book was in play and was resolved successfully, items still continue to combust rendering these rental residential lots unplayable and useless.
- Books purchased and leftover foods are continuously disappearing from all bookshelves and refrigerators on rental residential lots, again making such lots unplayable and useless.
- Pressure cooker no matter if new or used emits a green gas which doesn't go away making this cooker unusable.
- )Laundry Day:
- Washer and dryers break everyday the sims use them. This is far too frequent, making these items useless and unplayable as intended.
- Sims need to wash and or dry their cloths more than once on a frequent basis, again making these items useless and unplayable as intended.
3.) City Living:
- A rug called " The Colorful Beneath" continues to have a black background, which never used to be the case. This we find makes it a bit difficult to work with.
4.) Cats and Dogs:
- A picnic table called "Outdoor Patio Piece” when placed on community lots does not count as picnic tables when some lots require them, rendering these welcomed tables useless for such lots and a waste of such an awesome addition to our games.
5.) Dream Home Decorator:
- Some of the modular shelving tends to disappear from the home after saving when ever we use the eyedropper prior or use the cheat “move objects on” to set items unto the shelving where no slot is made available, but would have been nice if it did count as a workable slot.
- Sims are continuously wanting to judge their décor/furnishings no matter if in the middle of building up their skills, cooking a meal, or even when autonomy is turned off. This obsession gets in the way of much needed tasks.... including getting to work on time.
5.) Base Game:
- Graphic glitches with rounded platforms continue to plague our games with gaps between the platform and the floor or when placed on top of other platforms. Additionally when you place flooring on the platform floor, the flooring bleeds to the main floor area surrounding the platform.
- Many game objects are still not labeled correctly for various categories like Basic, Boho, Modern, etc. Some are not even labeled at all, so they don't get to count where appropriate... which in essence leaves these numerous objects useless when we desire to create using a certain style. Even the coloring is not always marked correctly, if at all. Greens are marked as blue. Light browns are marked as yellow, Reds are marked as pinks, etc. And some, though they have color are marked with no color at all. With some objects it is only one color that gets missed out of all swatches.
- With the update which included more additional colors for our base game, several towel sets were included but one base game set was overlooked... "Sea Star Hand and Bath Towel Holders" It would really be nice to have the color options included for this set since it mirrors so closely to the other set in the game.
- Color options are not made available with some objects when using the swatch tool....
- Antique Blocks- Storybook Nursery Kit
- Tiny Teacher Blocks-Base Game
- Country Cottage Dining Chair-Base Game
- Toy Doctor sets- Base Game
- Autonomy when turned off still does not keep sims from doing things we don’t want them to do or it leaves them standing still when we issues things for them to do.
- When we enter into our saved games, we discover many items we placed into our Sims homes are found in their personal inventory. It is a pain to take such detail to creating our homes just the way we want them only to find objects missing and placed in our personal inventory with no rhyme or reason.
Other Important Requests Still Being Ignored:
- Sims obsessed with phone use. These sims are constantly on their phones when in social settings, talking with other sims, jogging, or walking instead of engaging in their surroundings and enjoying being outside and partaking in social activities. This game is supposed to be about community. So, why not let our sims set the example and have them enjoying engaging with other sims and taking full appreciation of their surroundings outdoors.... not about electronic obsessions. Let us decide when our sims are to use their phones. Do you realize there are mods for this? This is not a petty request. And since there are many players who prefer not to use mods... we feel this deserves your full attention.
- Making Mirrors and Curtains Adjustable. This has been an ongoing request for a looong time. Some curtains you have created simply do not sit right on all window selections and since we are rather limited in curtain choices... it would be nice that we can adjust their heights and width more accordingly without the use of mods. And yes, the demand is so high there is mods for this too. The very same applies on all counts with mirrors. We like to place them above various dressers, fireplaces, etc. But due to the location these mirrors are placed renders many of them useless.
- Food Stall Attendants Still require payment on all Community lots. This is yet another big complaint among many sim players. Why should our sims have to pay for attendants on community lots? We can understand the need when on home lots. But if we should not have to pay for attendees on community lots in real life... why should we need to in the game? It matters not that money can be rather easily attained in the game, that is beside the issue. And what if we want our sims to live a more “modest”, simpler lifestyle for our storyline? It makes it more difficult to have to pay for attendants.
- Guest Won't Leave When Our Sims Say Goodbye. We realize our sims may be made so darn likeable that no one wants to leave, but it is getting ridiculous. Our Sims say goodbye to visitors and guests and yet the other sim(s) will say good bye then keep talking, or help themselves to our TVs, dance to the radio, take food from our fridge, or take a bath in our bathtub
???? When we politely ask them to leave... please make them leave.
- Stop Allowing Guest Sims to Raid Our Sim's Refrigerators or Simply Making Themselves Too Much at Home. In real life, it is not unaccustomed for our friends to help themselves to a beverage or maybe a snack with our permission, click on the TV or radio, etc... but when guest Sims start making popcorn, raiding our Sim's fridges and begin making meals on the stove or getting leftovers when our sims already made a great meal... that is going too far. Plus, they will start playing games on our Sims's computers, take a bath in our tubs... that is a bit too cozy when they are merely a guest. Do that in their own homes please.
- Make Community Haunted Houses. Ever since the Paranormal Pack came out, many of us have requested that homes, which included the one that came with the pack and businesses be playable on community lots and not just experienced in residential homes. This will really elevate our game play and creative endeavors to a whole other level. This should have been included in the pack, so please consider this as a fix to improve upon this gameplay experience.
Advertising and Player Events:
Your forums are loaded with upset players who continue to be ignored in their requests to stop large advertisements taking up full screens and to be able to have the options to opt into or out of your various player events to gain more items for our games.
When it comes to game events you host so we can get more things for our games... put in a additional area for us to go to and select our ability to join or partake in them, much like what you already have with your "Play scenarios" option. We can see in the window the various new opportunities to partake in and join. But to force them upon us with these large ads and entering the game to find your icons reminding us to play or join in... Not Working. Look in the forums. You are making your players angry... not happy or excited to see them.
You are wholly aware we all have different tastes and desires as to how we play our games. So, please find a way to let us decide for ourselves if we want to play. You offer videos and introductions for new game content that is up and coming, as well as new gameplay events. These work just as well... if not better in the long run for us than forcing these events down our throats.
For your ads, we realize you are excited to share the news of new creations being made and want to be sure everyone knows all about them, just as we may be in learning of them…. BUT....
Where many of us still have an issue though is in those full screen ads. This does not help your abilities to drum up more business, rather it detracts. Not everyone is interested in every event that takes place and not everyone is interested in the same new packs that comes out. Putting full screen ads feels like you are forcing your products on us.... screaming at us... shoving them in our faces. Many of us work hard or are facing challenges in our lives. We all come to your games as a means of temporary escape, to relax and have some fun in utilizing your games as we see fit for such pleasures. But to flash these large and intrusive ads makes us want to stop playing... not encourage us to continue.
Imagine you are going to a theater to watch a movie or going to the store to pick up a few items. All of a sudden you have paid employees shoving signs, pamphlets, and propaganda in your face to consider when all you want to do is see the movie you came to see or purchase the items you originally wanted. Now, there are usually ads quietly posted for all to see and help us make our own decisions if we want to add more to our grocery list with that sale or new product or change our movie choices. But to shove ads in our faces as we walk in the door… not too kosher, is it? Well, the same applies here too.
I am wholly aware there are many, many more bugs that require addressing, But these are the pressing issues that have caused your forums to fill up with complaints and left some of your creations literally unplayable altogether that are in great need of your attention, as it has been over 6 months to over a year or better to attend to. Take care of these much-needed issues and we may be more willing to purchase future packs. Until then more and more are boycotting your games. Do not take my word for it... look to your own forums... look outside of your forums to other blogs and postings.
Thank you for your consideration.