
evelester's avatar
New Rookie
7 months ago
Under Investigation

[JTB] Batuu resident generated as a townie

I thought the Batuu interactions and characters were locked in Batuu? my new sim just encountered one in the Eco Lifestyle world, she had the whole outfit on and when you click on her the interactions are to ask about first order /resistance/ scoundrels. I don't remember encountering any of them before the update, hoping it isn't something I see more of, this sim hasn't been to Batuu yet so its not been exposed in this save yet if that makes sense lol - My sim was working as a detective and at the ApB site when she saw the star wars person and as soon as I got off work I went back to the location and the sim was still there-- in case the career is what let her loose or something- she was not the criminal - just at the location when my sim arrived to arrest the sim

Let me know if this is normal- For this save I only have some map replacements and MC Command center (to turn off the autonomous mean interactions lol) No other mods reinstalled since the update 

Edit By Crinrict: Adjusted Title fit bug report at AHQ


  • The same thing has happened in my game for a long time, possibly clear back to when that game pack was released. They sometimes join clubs, call you up to ask for advice on relationships, and knock on your door. A lot of people claim this is caused by MCCC, but it definitely happens on a game without that mod (or any mod) installed.

    Speaking of the detective career, I tried to provide some game saves (without mods) on Answers HQ for the issue with the suspect not showing up after issuing an APB. I haven't heard back and really didn't expect to, but hopefully it's something they will look into at some point.

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