
MycroftJr's avatar
New Spectator
21 hours ago

Modded Facial Modifiers cannot be applied to Children

I have no idea what the cause is because we modders don't have access to the code you fixed it in, but I can't seem to apply any modded facial attributes to Child sims after the Toddler/Infants/Child body and face distortions | EA Forums - 11928891 fix - when I try to set them, nothing seems to happen and they're not set when I poll the facial attributes again.

The code I'm using:

facial_attributes = PersistenceBlobs_pb2.BlobSimFacialCustomizationData()
modified_facial_attributes = PersistenceBlobs_pb2.BlobSimFacialCustomizationData()

# copy all modifiers that are not from my mod from fa over to mfa
for ml in ['face', 'aged_face', 'aged_body', 'body']:
    src = getattr(facial_attributes, ml + '_modifiers')
    dst = getattr(modified_facial_attributes, ml + '_modifiers')
    for modifier in src:
        if modifier.key not in MY_MODIFIERS:
for sculpt in facial_attributes.sculpts:

# same results if aged_body_modifiers instead, or both
sim_info.facial_attributes = modified_facial_attributes.SerializeToString()
# same results with or without this

If I instead try to apply my custom modifiers using CAS hotspots in CAS, then the sim changes visually inside CAS, but the changes do not survive the Accept button to leave CAS.

I have user reports suggesting that this does not occur in offline mode, for whatever reason. In any event, this breaks all Height Slider mods for Child sims.

Platform: PC, Windows 10, EA app

Bonus questions for things I've never been clear about:
1. What exactly do the new aged_body_modifiers and aged_face_modifiers do and when?
2. What exactly do the .resend_[property] methods even do?


  • ImMendota's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    16 hours ago

    I use this mod, it is essential for me. I will not be buying anything else to include the new expansion pack until this issue is resolved. 

  • ^ to this, this information would be helpful for modders and people curious alike!

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