
crinrict's avatar
21 days ago
Under Investigation

Neighboring Houses show as Default/Empty


When loading into a lot, all the neighboring houses show either as an empty lot or show the default lot that comes with the game.

Loading into the lot shows the correct lot. Thumbnails on the map are also correct.

There is no endless loading.


It's unclear what's happening here but I tested this on a save and found that it was only an issue for certain families. Loading the same lot with a different family showed the houses fine.

It looks like a rending issue where the game doesn't find the correct data and shows either an empty lot (if the lot comes empty on a new game) or with the house that was originally on that lot.

At this point I do not know if this is an early sign of save game corruption.


In the save I tested, I was able to fix the issue by simply moving the affected families out and back in.

Archived Thread

There's more info in this thread: [ARCHIVED] Default Lots Showing in Surrounding World | EA Forums - 11663694 

Info to provide

Please provide the following information when posting

  • What is your platform ?
  • Are you using mods/cc ?
  • Does the above workaround help you and can you confirm that it doesn't happen for all families ?

Similar issues

If you have issues loading lots, please see this thread for more information and pick the correct thread to post in: [PLEASE READ] Save Game Corruption | EA Forums - 5037272 



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