Objects from houses have started to disappear. At first, I thought it was debug-objects. But clutter from different packs also disappeared from one day to the next. They disappeared from closing the game to opening it up again, or when I went into different worlds.
Today I tried to move a house I am currently building in Northaven. When I move the house (tried both move house and move lot) random objects disappear. Beds, sinks, some mirrors, some art... very strange. This current build only uses Businesses & Hobbies and base game objects. I'll add photos from this. The house IS fully furnished and cluttered, but the photos is from when I have moved the house. If I undo the move, every item is restored in its place.
I am not sure if this is after the last update or if it started happening after I purchased Businesses & Hobbies.
No mods or CC.