- OdditiesShelf2 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
Been having this too all of a sudden. Never before, just randomly noticed. Kind of funny but quite annoying for pretty screenshots
- AngelikNikki2 months agoSeasoned Novice
Same for ps5. The rain and snow "affect" is occurring indoors but no electronics get effected nor do sims notice it. It's just rather annoying and a huge distraction to see it down pouring and a blizzard inside your home.
- piparrietty2 months agoNew Spectator
Experiencing same issue on PC.
- lalaoh32 months agoNew Novice
Happening for me too as it's currently raining indoors in my sims apartment in San Myshuno. I held off from getting the latest update for so long and now this. It really feels like the coding for this game is being held together by popsicle sticks 😓
- hallucinoJEN20002 months agoSeasoned Novice
I stream the sims on Twitch and after the last update, my game also started to rain inside my house. I thought maybe I forgot to roof the house properly, but the roof is on and even in the San Myshuno apartments, it rained inside the home.
- ele3462 months agoSeasoned Novice
Yo estoy igual desde la actualización. He desactivado la lluvia y la nieve. Porque es bastante molesto jugar así y contactaron conmigo para recomendarme que lo hiciera y esperara la actualización. Me gustaba más cuando el juego era un cd que tenía sus errores pero bueno podías llevarlos. Con esto a cada actualización 1 nuevo problema como poco.cyo con la última actualización tengo hasta 3 errores dependiendo de la expansión... Las mascotas no comen ni se echan a dormir solas... Ya no se a cual más molesto Como dije en mi comentario anterior son juegos que cuestan bastante dinero. Al sacar una actualización definitiva debería probarse antes de lanzarla a los usuarios y así solventar cualquier error o que al menos no tengamos que ser los usuarios quienes reportemos errores para esperar a otra actualización cruzando los dedos de que se haya solucionado y no haya algo nuevo que como digo. Siempre hay algo nuevo . No necesito respuesta. Abri un tema con esto y ya me respondieron pero quería ponerlo en este foro que iba de este tema. Porque esto ya va camino de un mes y tener expansiones que no puedes usar al 100 x 100 por estas cosas...
- DizzyDee-K2 months agoSeasoned Ace
I wasn't having rain inside until suddenly I was. I'm not sure what triggered it. Been playing exclusively with a SM apartment - 1313 21 Chic Street - to watch the invisible litter. It rains in SM, so I think I would have noticed if it was raining inside. It started with a thunderstorm while visiting WC. Sim returned home to a thunderstorm in SM. Now I have rain inside.
- ittie1232 months agoNew Traveler
I'm having the same issue it's so annoying
- Drethetarus2 months agoNew Traveler
Cassandra trying to sleep but oh look, there's rain clipping through the roof. Guess the roofs useless.
She even has a moodlet for raining which is why she won't sleep.
It's bad when you've paid over 1000 bucks for a game and they don't play test their games before releasing new patches or dlcs. Please EA we want to enjoy your game and see it be it's best but please take time to fix thing before releasing anything else. Also can we get a fix for occult features missing in live mode? That's been an issue since October 2024.
- alanmichael12 months agoSeasoned Ace
Perhaps this has already been reported in the 70 comments, but in my game tiny homes are not affected by the bug. That may help to find a fix.
EDIT: I take it back 😪 When the rain gets stronger, they are affected too ...