Hi ! I have a problem in my game when I want to save my game.. I receive a message that tells me: "Save error. Error code: 0.". I don't know what can I do.. However, I tried to resolve this problem ...
"Save error. Error code: 0."
6 months agoSeasoned Vanguard
The workaround I figured out was to hit manage world, then save and manage worlds. I hope this helps, as "Save As" creates tooo many saves.
- susanleona6 months agoSeasoned Ace
My save file got so corrupted none of the save as or save with manage world workarounds worked after a while. I've also been posting and reading replies on the AHQ thread and one suggestion there suggested neighborhood stories could be the culprit and it may be linked to an interaction with a sim from the romance option there. My old save will have to be redone as it's too far gone but I started a new save and turned off the nhood stories. Also am playing in a base game lot and avoiding doing anything except basic play and a few things in CAS and my save has been OK for over a week. I had the nhood stories on for about 5 days before I switched but no code 0 messages occurred. I liked my corrupt file so much I will save all my lots and families to my gallery library and start a new save with them.
- JustPatricia6 months agoNew Traveler
Oh my goodness. So funny. I just posted the same and was scrolling down to see if I could help anyone else. Yes, this is the workaround and it works every single time!
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