Hi ! I have a problem in my game when I want to save my game.. I receive a message that tells me: "Save error. Error code: 0.". I don't know what can I do.. However, I tried to resolve this problem ...
"Save error. Error code: 0."
6 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
2 months later, I just now encountered this error 2 days ago, after I lost my progress 3 times. I was wondering how long it took for you to have this bug fixed, last update was about 2 months ago, and I sincerely don't know what to expect further.
Thank you and really hope this can be reported directly to EA.
- JustPatricia6 months agoNew Traveler
Did you see my comment posted yesterday? It works. I’m on my iPad so can’t type it all out again. Instead of Save, go to Manage Worlds and then say yes when it asks to save. It’s a workaround but it’s been working well so far.
- kpaterson19976 months agoNew Spectator
I tried that all throughout my gameplay yesterday, but when i loaded in today, it didnt save my progress at all. I'm back to where i started.
- JustPatricia6 months agoNew Traveler
Oh no.
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