Hi ! I have a problem in my game when I want to save my game.. I receive a message that tells me: "Save error. Error code: 0.". I don't know what can I do.. However, I tried to resolve this problem ...
"Save error. Error code: 0."
6 months agoNew Traveler
No joke, I’m ready to give up on this game.
I’ve owned every version since 2014. I like to play and I play hard when I do but right now I’ve had it. Everything I do on my MacBook Pro glitches. I uninstalled and reinstalled today but it’s always something. Like when the game hangs and I have to tab out of the game and then come back to the game and then it’s OK. I do this like 10 times in 10 minutes. It’s ridiculous.
So once again, I am putting the game away and I’ll wait a few months to see if this updates. I just don’t have the heart to build up a family and do all these home modifications just to have an unplayable game when I really get into it.
This is insanity.
About The Sims 4 Bug Reports
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