
RissGrl's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
7 months ago

Simology panel breaks game (7/25/2024)

I'm currently playing a household that contains a teen and a child, When I went to check how long I have until my teen ages up I noticed the panel was glitching and I couldn't scroll down in the panel, then when I went to save my game I could not open the option menu to do so. I then force quit the game and went back in and traveled to a lot, and when I opened the simology panel again it bugged my game and I was not able to travel back to the house lot or open the option menu. This bug ruins the game because even though I know what is breaking my game I forget and end up opening the panel again by habit, so I really hope they are able to fix it soon because it is unplayable and I was looking forward to playing the new expansion pack. I have not been able to test if this happens on adult sims, so if you know please comment because I unfortunately might have to age up my sim early, thank you. (I HAVE NO MODS btw) good luck simmers ♥


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  • CinnPinnX's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    7 months ago

    I have the same issue, also have no mods and issues since the update. Can't save my game and everything just becomes a big error in the game until it completely fails. I hope they will fix this today.

  • Facing the same issue :-/ I thought it's just my PC and app going wonky... Basically my sim is unable to grow until this bug is fixed then. Sighs

  • This is a known issue that has been affecting everybody ! The sims team is now aware and you can follow updates on the thread “Re: Simology Panel is broken after base game update 23 July 2024” on ea answers. On that thread an EA employee is keeping us updated

  • I'm currently having the same issue, however I DO have mods.  I spent sometime taking each mod out to be sure it wasnt the mods messing with the game.  I even have a test game save where I test out issue with my mod and game.  So far my test save is amazing I can open simology and even edit my sims in cas without the loading screen being forever and game crashing.  But my current save with tons of progress will "crash" i.e. me not being able to save game or press any other options like opening sims inventory.   Just to go around and find teen simology and cas is the ONLY one messed up.  Infants, toddlers, YA, Adults and Elders are all fine, as long as you don't open up simology on your teen sims the game wont break, I haven't tested if it'll still break for teens who age up to YA.  

    Edit: Just aged up my sim, it DOESN'T fix the problem. EA needs to fix this issue and fast.

  • cpr925's avatar
    New Spectator
    6 months ago

    Same.  It's not from mods.  This is literally a joke.  If they had playtested the update for literally 20 seconds, they would have found this.

  • I'm having the same problem. I've tried everything I can think of--uninstalling/reinstalling, repairing the game twice, removing my mods, updating the mods again (even though they're all up to date), updating my graphic card driver...nothing works! Some people have said they're having the same problem, others have said it was patched weeks ago. I don't know what's going on here, but I'm quickly getting to the point where I'm going to give up on this game. The amount of money people have spent on this game and it's completely unplayable. I was so excited when they released that patch last week and it did absolutely nothing. 

  • I guess I'm late to the party because this issue has beeen recent for me! But its affecting on old save before all the updates and they're childless and its affecting my adult sims but its always just one of them. I have trying to find my issues with any mod they may be affecting it, be it old or new. But nothing works! I would have hoped the issue would have been fixed by now and would have hoped to have found an answer, but we're all left in the dark!

  • Status changed:

    The original issue has been fixed a while ago which is why I'm locking this.

    There's still mods that can cause issues so make sure to updated them or test without.

    Please create a new thread If you still have this issue on a new vanilla save game

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