I noticed this a while back and thought it was a one time thing but no. Multiple times i will try to use the computers but they say they can't and the only way they do is if I click the chair that's ...
Sims wont use computer/bed
3 months agoHero+
Status changed:
to Declined
Please create one thread per issue.
There's a different threads for the bed issue: Sims in Romantic Relationship Keep Getting Out of Bed | EA Forums - 4972711 (this is rather specific and can be solved by just sending the Sim to bed again).
Think there was also an open one for them just not staying in bed but I think that was at AHQ. Do make sure there's no noise source that's keeping them from sleeping.
The computer sitting issue was called as by design by CM: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Game-Questions/BY-DESIGN-Sim-cancel-computer-interactions-Only-use-while/m-p/9620524 although I can't personally find it odd as it works most of the time.
If you have any decor on the table, remove that.
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