The update has broken my game, works for a few minutes then breaks and I experience the following issues. Issues encountered: can't go to manage worlds, build mode, or cas - if manage worlds is op...
Update broke my game (July 24th)
7 months agoNew Spectator
The same thing is happening to me, specifically the teen simology panel and not being able to open any of the top tabs. It’s not playable to me if I can’t save the game. How long does this take to usually be resolved?
7 months agoSeasoned Novice
I honestly wouldn't expect this to be fixed until after lovestruck comes out, I have preordered the pack so I'm hoping it'll resolve the issues
- 19634b99e31881957 months agoNew Spectator
So annoying! I didn’t want to buy the pack but if it’s the only thing that will fix it…ugh. Hopefully since it seems like it’s happening to a lot of people it will be handled quickly
- zoe16beths7 months agoSeasoned Novice
oh yeah I kinda regret ordering at this point, and yeah there are a lot of complaints so hopefully we'll get some sort of response too
- parkiepops997 months agoNew Spectator
I brought the new pack to see if it would fix it and it hasn't, so I'd save your money for now 🫣
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