
marilynmonhoe88's avatar
Seasoned Novice
5 months ago

Update buggy

After the recent update my game does not work. I can open the house I want to play from the opening menu, but I cannot switch characters, or interact with objects. When I try to exit the house to view the town the game just stays on the loading screen and doesn't go further. Also, I have to end the game through task manager to exit. The game wont close when I try to close from the game menu; it just stays on the loading screen... Why is it that EVERYTIME they do an update SOMETHING doesn't work.. The game was working fine, then they do this update and now I can't play my game. It's frustrating for me/people who don't have much free time to play; I finally get a chance to log in and BOOM- UPDATE... Now the game doesn't work.. WHY?! 😭😭

-Frustrated Mom, with no free time. 


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  • marilynmonhoe88's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    5 months ago

    Oh NO!!! 😨That has happened to me several times. I used to try all kinds of stuff, after the updates broke the game, to get my game to work. More than a few times, I have wiped the whole game, lost everything I had spent months building and creating. It's very discouraging, which is why I am constantly uploading my content to the cloud and not just my library.  I would suggest trying to do a restore point on your PC to see if you can go back before you lost everything. Good luck, and in the future, upload your content you don't want to loose. 

  • With regards to the being unable to click/change between sims, something I've tried is by going to Settings > Game Options > Graphics > Tick DirectX 9 > Apply. Requires a restart of the game, but so far it's allowed me to switch between my sims.

    I've yet to find more bugs with the recent update though >.< Hopefully it works for you with that certain issue 🥺😥☺️


  • Status changed:

    I'm going to close this down as it has turned into somewhat of a collection.

    The following are known issues so please continue in these threads at AHQ: (still working on dedicated threads on this forum)


    From the description I'm also not entirely sure if that's all there's to this thread as many posts are a bit unspecific. 

    If the two threads above don't cover your issue, please just create a new thread, describing your problem is many details as  possible what your issue is.

    Please also refer this on how to report a bug here: General Information About The Bug Reports Forum

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