After the update on 7/23/24 CAS wouldn’t load. I would just be stuck on the loading screen. Today’s update made it even worse. I can’t even load a household. If I click on a household to play it goes to the load screen then brings me back out to the world map. I don’t know how you can put out an update that causes this many problems, really disappointed.
Update ruined my game
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- PurpleCookieDawg7 months agoRising Novice
I too have had nothing but issues, I thought the second update would fix the issues but now it's a whole bunch of different issues. I deleted any outdated mods, I updated any that could be, I don't have more columns in cas so that isn't my issue like some people's issue has been. I bought almost every pack on console, moved to computer version 3 weeks ago and have had to erase and download new cc 3 times already, as if it isn't bad enough that I'm repurchasing all their packs and yet all I get is problems, honestly at the brink of giving up on this game entirely, when I had crashes on my console all the time I stupidly believed the grass was greener but computer is no better.
- bria02077 months agoNew Spectator
I've been having the same issues when I updated my game on the 23rd, couldn't open cas couldn't make a new game. once I loaded it into one of my save games my toddler was automatically angry and couldn't click on the panels to see the inventory of their social bars or when they age up. I wasn't able to save the game or close it, so I had to use Task Manager to force close it. this update they did today didn't help at all my game is still the same. when are they going to fix this?!!?!😭
- nativelement7 months agoNew Spectator
I was affected by the simology panel bug. That's fixed but now my game won't progress past the CAS loading screen. I can't even play the new expansion I preordered. What can I do to fix this??? Like what the heck
- doctor12167 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
I've heard people have been having issues with all their sims being angry and fighting each other. I also had another weird glitch where the icons showed that my young adult sim would age up from an elder to a child. These things might be funny if they had been fixed by now 😓but the game is unplayable with all these issues.
- doctor12167 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
Yes, I thought the second update would fix it but it only made things worse! I did the same thing and updated my mods and deleted outdated ones and still had issues, so I tried removing all mods and the game still didn't work properly. I also discovered that if I try to create a new household my whole screen goes white and I have to force the game closed with task manager. That is so disappointing that you switched from console to computer and are still having issues. Hoping they fix these issues soon! Even though there shouldn't have been this many problems in the first place 😅
- doctor12167 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
Right?! I was so looking forward to the new expansion pack. I was about to purchase it, but wanted to see what updates had been done with the latest patch and when I had all these issues I figured I should wait until they are fixed to purchase it so that I can actually play the game with the new pack. This second patch seems to have made things even worse. I can't even load a household and when I try to create a new one my whole screen turns white and freezes. It is so frustrating!
- crinrict5 months agoHero+Status changed:NewtoMod Related
CAS not opening is related to mods. Please check the List for Broken/Obsolete and Updated Sims 4 Mods: 1.109 (September 18, 2024) Game Update for more information.
Please post in the Mods forum for help if you can't figure what mod is causing the issue for you.
Please create a new thread if you have issues without any mods installed and also deleted the localthumbcache file.
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