This bug just got weird in a sense. I was playing my save that I was using for the events. My werewolves were of course affected by the bug where their nose color disappeared. The strange thing is that when I traveled off of the lot and returned home, one of my teen werewolves regained their nose color (it was the black setting, so I don't know if any other color will come back). I can't change nose colors, but it was strange that this one sim randomly got their nose color back. His younger sister had her nose color back for a brief moment, but then lost it again.
In another save (one I made before the update), all the townie werewolves retained their nose colors. I thought this was strange as my played werewolves seemed to have lost their nose colors. I don't know if this bug only affects played households or unplayed/townie households as well.
These screenshots were taken on 2/25/25, so after the update. Again, I can't change nose colors, but thought I'd add in that sometimes the colors come back, even if it's temporary.