Battlefield 1 playstation 5
Как раз пост про старую гвардию батлы. Ребят подскажите пожалуйста , решил поиграть спустя годы на пс5 в BF1 , и столкнулся с двумя проблемами. 1) потеря пакетов ( интернет норм , другие игры норм , днс прописывал разные от Гугла до опен ) захожу в списки серверов вижу пинг топчик 40-60 ну для меня , все пустило на сервер , 5 минут игры и началось, потеря - лаги - тормоза Как лечить ? 2) хз с чем связано, раздражает . Нашел игру играю такой и когда выбираю технику то меня просто отключает от серверов , в каждом матче , именно техника, лошадь жива на ней бегаю , на том спасибо. Извиняюсь за много букав. Буду благодарен 👍137Views0likes12Commentssign in with your ea account to activate battlefield 1 on this computer
Launching battlefield 1 the second time gets me this window, where I enter my email and password (and I'm 100% sure these are correct - double-checked by logging out and in on with the same account I have on the EA app), but as a result it somehow says "Invalid email or password" and doesn't let me in. I have played BF1 a lot before and have never even seen any windows asking to log in AFTER you launch the game from Origin and the now existing EA App. Nobody seems to have a solution on EA Forums or online, but similar discussions have led me to try: Creating a "Origin Games" folder under C:\Program Files (x86) Deleting the cache of the EA App Deleting the folder "EA App" under C:\ProgramData The only thing that helped is uninstalling the EA App and BF1 and reinstalling again, but it helped for only 1 game launch. The 2nd launch gets me to this screen, which doesn't accept my email+password.Frequent crashes of Community Servers (BF1)
Hello everyone, I am sure many people who host community servers in Battlefield 1 ran into a similar issue, especially since the EAC updates. Every day there are many servers crashing due to errors on EA's side, and they get especially frequent between 16:00 and 17:00 CET/GMT+1/UTC+1. Is there anything EA can do about this? Greetings Crackmonkey2110152Views14likes3CommentsGame disconnets when you choose: tank, plane od cavalry
Just as in title. I can join the game but everyone Has level 0. There is no level progress after the game and you cannot choose tank, plane and cavalry because then it disconnets. At first I thought it is just me but i see that everytime someone tries to choose one of these classes then this person gets disconncted from the lobby. Anyone know what to do? I play on ps52.5KViews38likes72CommentsBattlefield 1 bug serveur en ligne
Que se passe-t-il sur les serveurs Battlefield 1 les niveaux ne sont pas accessibles en multijoueur, ainsi que les progressions pour gagner des bons de campagne. C'est fortement frustrant de n'avoir aucune progression, faudrait qu'il pense à faire une mise à jour pour régler ces souci. Battlefield 1 est très plaisant à jouer c'est le seul sur la 1re guerre mondiale il faudrait penser à le renouveler et corriger les bugs. S'il vous plaît c'est à quelqu'un qui fait partie du staff de EA OU DICE faites quelque chose 👏👏👏👏Battlefield 1 multiplayer has significant Server problems
Not sure where to start, but the BF1 servers, especially EU’s servers, are absolutely broken. Servers get disconnected suddenly and kick everyone out, choosing to spawn in a vehicle disconnect you immediately. This issue has been going on for a while and EA slow to fix. As a paying and a premium member I feel I’m getting rubbed. EA has players money and left players with nothing.1.3KViews19likes16CommentsServidores Battlefield 1 bugueados
Buenas tardes desde hace cosa de 2 días los servidores de Battlefield 1 están bugueados no deja coger vehículos desconectandote de la partida al instante. Ps5 imagino que al haber juego cruzado los servidores serán los mismos para las demás plataformas.También ocurre con las misiones de cada una de las clases. Si alguien está experimentando lo mismo que lo comique también. Hay mucha gente nueva jugando por la oferta de Steam y esto es un gran problema.