Forming Jedi Teams
Hey everyone, I have/am getting these Jedi, but I have absolutely no clue where to put them and to put who with who, so what would be the best teams for these characters? Dont have to use all of them and happy for suggestions for other characters too Jedi Knight Revan Jedi Knight Cal Kestis Hermit Yoda Bastila Shan Mace Windu Grandmaster Yoda Jolee Bindo Juhani Padawan Tano Kelleran Beq General Kenobi Jedi Knight Anakin Qui-Gonn Ezra Kyle Katarn Thanks177Views2likes5CommentsDon’t waste your time and money for Dr Aphra
No wonder you guys released a LSB for Aphra. She’s got the stupidest and most ridiculous unlock event. Luck? Seriously? RNG is your event for a journey event character. Do you guys at CG not see the problem there? Do you guys even play any video games and understand any player base hates RNG aspects to any game. Yet you have a whole character locked behind an RNG wall769Views4likes12CommentsCharacter idea: Rebel Pilot
With Rebel Pilot already in the game, it seems such a shame that it's not already playable, especially since its antithesis the TIE Pilot is. The Rebel Pilot could become assigned to pilot the existing Y-Wing or if not then any other future Rebel ships like the A-Wing, B-Wing, H-60 Tempest bomber, T-Wing, Rebel ARC-170 etc.160Views1like4CommentsTyber Zann Character Kit Concept
Inspiration: The main character of 'Star Wars: Empire At War', the 'Forces of Corruption' expansion. Unit Name: Tyber Zann Relic Amplifier: Rawk Chopped Special Blaster Affiliation: Dark Side, Support Tags: Leader, Mercenary, Scoundrel, Smuggler Basic: Confident Shot Deal Physical Damage to target enemy. If the target enemy has Corruption, Corruption is dispelled and the target enemy is inflicted with Ability Block and Expose for 2 turns. Corruption: Can't be dispelled by target enemy; can't attack out of turn; can't gain buffs or give buffs to allies; +10% Tenacity and Offense (stacking; max 60%) when dispelled. If Tyber Zann inflicts Corruption on an enemy with Corruption, the strongest enemy gains Corruption Special 1: Time Is Money (Cooldown: 4) Tyber Zann inflicts Corruption on target enemy and gains +10 Speed (stacking) whenever an enemy with Corruption attacks Tyber Zann during their turn. Special 2: Holding a Grudge (Cooldown: 5) Tyber Zann inflicts Extortion on target enemy. Then, he inflicts Daze on all enemies, which can't be dispelled, resisted or prevented until the target enemy has dispelled Extortion. Extortion: Removes Extortion, recover 10% Health and grant Tyber Zann Profit Profit: +10% Critical Chance and Critical Damage per stack (max 50%) until the end of the encounter This ability starts on Cooldown Leader: In Complete Control All Smuggler allies gain +15% Critical Damage, Critical Chance and Potency. Whenever a Smuggler ally attacks an enemy with Corruption, Tyber Zann gains 5% Turn Meter and all Smuggler allies gain half that amount. Whenever a Smuggler ally gains a Buff, Tyber Zann gains that Buff and the ally loses 5% Health but gains +5% Offense, Critical Chance, Critical Damage and Potency (stacking). Unique: Corruption is my Weapon Tyber Zann can't be Critically Hit. Tyber Zann has +10% Potency (stacking) for each enemy inflicted with Corruption and all Smuggler allies gain half that amount. Then, whenever Corruption is Dispelled, Tyber Zann and all allies gain 10% Turn Meter and +10% Tenacity (stacking) until the end of the encounter. While in Conquest and if all allies are Smugglers: All enemies start the battle with Corruption and whenever Tyber Zann dispels Corruption, the cooldown of Holding a Grudge is reset55Views2likes3CommentsJace Malcom Character Kit Concept
Inspiration: The Old Republic is in dire need of new units to remain relevant Unit Name: Jace Malcom Relic Amplifier: Old Republic Trooper Helmet Affiliation: Light Side, Attacker Tags: Leader, Old Republic Attacks and Abilities Basic: Laser Cannon Deal physical damage to target enemy and all allies gain Speed Up for 2 turns. Special 1: Photon Rocket (Cooldown: 4) Deal physical damage to all enemies and inflict Stun on the target enemy for 2 turns and remove 65% Turn Meter. Then, inflict Speed Down on all enemies for 3 turns, which cannot be Resisted, Dispelled, or Prevented by enemies that have a higher current speed than Jace Malcom. Special 2: We Fight Together (Cooldown: 3) Cleanse all negative effects from all allies, then apply Tenacity Up, Offense Up and Critical Damage Immunity to all Old Republic allies for 2 turns. Jace Malcom then calls the target ally to assist each dealing +50% more damage. Leader: Captain of Squad 326 All Old Republic allies gain +40% Max Health and +40% Offense. Whenever an enemy takes a turn, all Old Republic allies gain +20% Bonus Protection (stacking, max +100%). Whenever an enemy gains bonus Turn Meter, all Old Republic allies gain +3 Speed (stacking) until an Old Republic ally takes a turn. While in Grand Arenas and if all allies are Old Republic: The Speed gain stacks even when an Old Republic ally takes a turn. Unique: Havok Squad Jace Malcom has 100% Counter chance. The first time an Old Republic ally is attacked during his turn all Old Republic allies gain 20% Turn Meter and are called to Assist, dealing 50% less damage each. This damage penalty is removed if the enemy is Sith Empire.26Views1like1CommentSilri Character Kit Concept (From 'Empire At War: Forces of Corruption')
Unit Name: Silri Relic Amplifier: Cuddles the Rancor Affiliation: Dark Side, Attacker Tags: Nightsister, Mercenary, Scoundrel, Smuggler Attacks and Abilities Basic: Violent Thrash Deal Special damage to target enemy. This attack deals bonus damage based on the stacks of Plague or Corruption on the target enemy. Special 1: Life Drain (Cooldown: 4) Deal Special damage to target enemy equal to 50% of their Max Health. Then, Silri recovers health based on the damage dealt. Special 2: I Bring Darkness (Cooldown: 3) Deal Special damage to all enemies and Dispel all stacks of Plague from them. This attack deals bonus damage based on the stacks of Plague dispelled and Silri gains 3% Turn Meter per stack. Unique: No One Controls Me Silri has a 15% chance to Assist whenever an ally uses a basic attack (stacking, max 75%) for each Nightsister or Scoundrel ally. In addition, whenever Plague is dispelled on a target enemy, it regains Plague. While in Territory Battles: Silri assists whenever a Nightsister or Scoundrel ally uses their Basic ability. In addition, she and the ally in the leader slot start the battle with Foresight and Damage Immunity.23Views1like0CommentsUrai Fen Character Kit Concept (From 'Empire At War: Forces of Corruption')
Unit Name: Urai Fen Relic Amplifier: Heavy Blades Affiliation: Dark Side, Attacker Tags: Mercenary, Scoundrel, Smuggler Attacks and Abilities Basic: Heavy Slice Deal Physical damage to target enemy. This attack deals double damage to enemies with Armor Shred and Corruption and ignores Protection. Special 1: Ready for Battle (Cooldown: 3) Deal Physical damage to target enemy and inflict Armor Shred for the rest of the battle. If Tyber Zann is present, he is called to Assist, dealing 30% less damage. Special 2: Do Not Disappoint Me (Cooldown: 4) Deal Physical damage to all enemies and Stun the target enemy for 2 turns, which can't be Evaded or Resisted. This attack deals double damage against Jedi, Sith and Unaligned Force User enemies. Unique: Proud Warrior Urai Fen has +25% Offense, Potency, Critical Chance Up and Critical Damage Up for each of the following: Scoundrel leader, Smuggler leader, Sith enemy, Jedi enemy, Unaligned Force User enemy, enemy with Corruption. Urai Fen starts the battle with Stealth. If Tyber Zann is in the leader slot and not the ally slot, Urai Fen gains double that amount and takes reduced damage (40%) from enemy attacks.23Views0likes0CommentsCharacter Ideas: Panaka and Typho
Unit Name: Captain Panaka Affiliations: Light Side, Attacker Tags: Leader, Galactic Republic, Battle for Naboo - Unit Name: Captain Typho Affiliations: Light Side, Attacker Tags: Leader, Galactic Republic Panaka and Typho were the head bodyguards of Padmé Amidala, Panaka being her head bodyguard when she was queen, and Typho being her head bodyguard when she was senator. They were each extremely loyal to the Republic, albeit for different reasons, with Panaka eventually being an imperial officer and Typho eventually being a rebel because of said reasons. Despite this divergence in their paths, they would be great additions to the light side.82Views0likes5Comments