PVZ heroes online playing issue
I downloaded PVZ heroes and connected my older account to the current device I have. At first I couldn’t play anything, so I found the solution to be redownloading the app which worked. Then I noticed I can’t go play online, but everything else seems to work great. How can I fix this? I have an iPhone if it’s important.PvZ Heroes - Issues Persistent after Balance Update (Dec 9, 2024)
For some reason, my post keeps getting deleted. I don't believe I'm doing anything wrong/evil, so to get around the issues I'm attaching an image of what I've said. Links I had won't work, but if you search up the keywords you should be able to find my post. If there's any confusion or issues, please let me know. Apologies for having to make my post this way.PvZ Heroes - Bugs That Are Still Persistent After Balance Update (Dec 9, 2024)
Hello, It's been 3 months since the December Balance Update in 2024 and there are still some "game breaking" bugs and issues, which are hindering gameplay and hurting the game's reputation. Here's a post listing majority of the issues that are still present within the game, mostly pertaining to individual cards and Heroes: PvZ Heroes recent balance patches: a list of bugs and things that need fixing. | EA Forums - 10574219 Some issues that aren't listed in the thread: -Nurse Gargantuar no longer causes any form of healing, making the card useless in its current state. -Octo Zombie no longer has their proper death animation (used to leave behind a cloud of ink, this is no longer the case). Note: Octo isn't the only zombie with this, as some other cards were changed in the update without having a proper animation change (looks unpolished). -You have to have your language set to English in order to do online PvP at least, but I believe this extends to other functions. Here's at least one thread I could find, I'm struggling to find any more since I can no longer look on AHQ (PvZ Heroes requires changing device language to play. | EA Forums - 10574724). There were numerous posts about this at one point. -Despite the claim in the changelogs here (Plants Vs Zombies: Heroes Balance Update for December 2024) that players would be able to get full spark refunds on cards, this never happened. The refund rates after the update didn't change (For Example: Since Quickdraw Con Man got nerfed in the update, they should be able to be recycled to 1000 spark, not 250. Basically, there recycle cost should be their craft cost for a period of time)