Apex Legends Dying
The discussion feed just shows ppl are giving up on the game. No new legends, No new weapons, Arenas isn’t back, the Lore is destroyed. The game honestly destroyed everything it had going for itself and players are only leaving. Bring back what made the game unique. If you need any ideas just revisit the lore and make something. It’s your game.20Views0likes2CommentsPlease bring back the original Revenant skills
As someone who, unfortunately, always ends up being an outcast in most social settings, i Deeply connected with the Original Revenant. i connected with his silencer by the awkward silences i sometimes cast on others due to my social inexperience. i connected with his death totem by how i like to quickly "get in and out". groceries, errands, whatever... Get in, Get it, Get out. i connected with him as a whole because, just like his Season 4 trailer, when i'm focused on a goal i do my best to achieve that goal. Revenant, to me, was that outcast that was simply himself. self deprecating at times, but when you've been on your own for a seemingly unending amount of time you just embrace the solitude, and your unfiltered personality kind of rubs people the wrong way... and it's fine because they all get along the way you somehow can't for some reason anyway. Revenant was me. Especially with seeing how Respawn would Constantly kill him in their trailers, it would remind me of the times i'd be picked on and shot down. I thought, "don't worry, Revenant. if Respawn doesn't love you, i do. now let's go have a great game." He was Perfect to me. the only thing i ever wanted "changed" was an appropriate reduction of his hit box, and perhaps some form of speed / defence for a better way to escape like bangalore has. but it wasn't really much to complain about because when i turn on my Playstation and opened Apex Legends, i got to play my favourite Legend: Revenant. as of now, it's not just a loss of the skills that i loved, it also feels like a giant jab and reminder of how everyone wants to change me. "be like this, be like that"... i can't. i don't relate to any of you... not in a stuck up way, but i literally don't see the world the way you all do. i've always had my little world, that i would gladly share with anyone who was truly interested... but other than that, please don't try to change me. it took so long for me to like me, and i'd rather fine tune myself than do a whole rework. the new "Revenant", not only takes away from the Revenant experience, but it also draws a new feeling out of me towards Revenant... apathy. every time my Death Totem ultimate was ready, i'd be excited and plan accordingly on how to effectively execute this totem. whether it be placement, timing, reasoning; i was excited... i didn't like the update where i could destroy it, because occasionally when i was sent back to my totem, if i were returned first, i'd destroy it while my team was still fighting, and they'd be killed... i felt bad. i digress; now, with the rework, i'm not interested in dropping my ultimate... at all... so i barely use it. i don't even grab ultimate recharge packs like i used to. as for the jump that replaced the silencer, it can be helpful to catch up the squad if i was left behind, but i prefer to silence my enemies. up close or from afar; silence and push. Especially when coming in contact with a pesky wraith or vanishing mirage. i used to feel so involved in my game play, but now, especially if i'm not having a good game, i feel like a burden. i know the answer would be to just "pick another legend", but face it... no other legend is Revenant. Revenant is an Assault Legend. Revenant uses a silencer. Revenant has a death totem. Revenant wouldn't change himself to please anyone. Revenant was... and honestly still should be Revenant. Please bring back the original Revenant. This rework can be a new Legend if you like, but it just isn't Revenant. thank you. cheers :) [CM - Edited title for CAPS]26Views1like2CommentsGame is bad
What are yall doing bro. literally ruining your own game, absolutely ignoring your community, just got railed by 2 nessies in a fight i would have most definitely won if they didnt take away half my health, you all should look into different careers bc yall have absolutely NO clue what yall are doing12Views0likes0CommentsLegends Coming back
I miss when the game had a lore and we received a new legend every season. It made the game fun and unique now it’s just a cash grab and they are changing things that don’t need to be changed. The game is getting worse. Just take rebuild the lore and return original characters to their selves upon launch. And stop nerfing recon legends into a grave. Especially Seer he’s useless now.My thoughts about the new season changes
I have never been more excited for a season like I am right now. They have done a really good job and they obviously care for the game a lot more than what the majority of players think. For those of you who don’t know yet: They are buffing all assault class legends and nerfing support class next season. Along with other changes like buffing every gun and consequently reducing TTK. All those changes seems well and healthy for the game but here is what I wished for in addition to these changes: No talk yet about Seer or caustic buffs and changes yet which sucks because these two legends are lacking a lot of power. Fuse passive (carrying two throwables) is now irrelevant since every assault legend will be able to do that and I was expecting a small replacement. And finally this is a very important point. I think it’s healthy for the game to have a character that can directly silence abilities at the cost of their own since that means that no matter what the meta is. Someone can always make the fight a gun fight instead of abilities fight. On top of that I think that no legend should be completely changed from the bottom up to the top like what they did with revenant for many obvious reasons and one of them is eliminating a playstyle. Also with all assault class buffs coming next season I can’t help but think about potential of old revenant with all these assault buffs and the upgrades tree. He could have been the only one who can stand against the support meta and completely shut it down.15Views0likes0Commentsunbalanced changes = unninstall
i'm not sure how true are some of these upcomming buffs, but it makes me really concern how far my patience can go with this game. I don't want to have characters that go invisible or super heal themselves or create clutter of freaking decoys running through each other that makes impossible to even guess where enemy player is. I don't want to have super weapons that blasts me for 150dmg and bounc me away or sword that throws you in the air without any possible escape. Why can't we just have ballanced fights where i know where enemy is with realistic weapons?????? WTF is happpening, it used to be such good game30Views1like1CommentAlter buffs
Alter is a really cool and interesting legend, but not very good compared to all the others. Her ultimate is not good or interesting and her other abilities are very limited. I really hope, that you keep buffing her since her last buffs were very good, but she needs a lot more to be decent or strong. Passive: She can stab other legends from further away with her tail. (New) Note: Would be cool if the tail did something. She can see death boxes through walls, even after you looted them. (Change) Note: It is very frustrating, that the loot box auras disappear after you picked something up. She can steal everything out of loot boxes (even shields) and ammo or small heals can be taken unlimited from further away. (Change) Note: Being able to only steal one item is not very good and then being limited is unnecessary. This season you gave Loba the ability to take ammo, small heals and player cards without consuming the 2 slots she has, please do this for Alter too. Tactical: She got two (was 1) charges. Note: Too limited right now! The portals activate a lot faster. Note: She feels very slow in a fast game like apex legends and having to wait very long for being able to go into her portal, makes it not very useful to enter fights or escape them. Ultimate: Note: Her ultimate is very lackluster and boring. It only working as retreat point, that enemy players can follow to, is bad. There needs to be a way to teleport to more things, so you can use it to traverse the map. Infinite (was 2 with a perk) numbers of ultimates can be placed at a time. When the ultimates radius overlaps, they are connected to each other. This allows to teleport to other ultimates even when out of range as long as their radiuses overlap. (New) You can teleport infinitely (was 1) to the teleport points. Allows to teleport to ring consoles, scan beacons and loot drops (care packages) inside the range of the ultimate. (New) Edit; When holding the square button (on ps5) to start the teleport to her ultimate, you can press R2 (on ps5), which cancels it, but teleports you in 30 seconds automatically to the ult thing. (New, kinda like old revernant ult) Hopefully someone at respawn reads this and gives alter the buffs she deserves!196Views0likes6CommentsPlease also improve other legends when there is a class meta
This season all the focus was on support class and other legends got little to nothing in this regard. This is unhealthy for the game as it forces a specific playstyle and LIMIT the game in its sense of variety. Take seer for example. Every aspect of his kit is useless and provide little to nothing neither for him nor his teammates and picking him (let it be in pubs or ranked) would rather put you in a disadvantageous place because that would mean minus 1 legend in the team really. And if you compare him to legends like gibby or Newcastle, whom whole kits is really good and can change the course of the battle easily. Then seer would be like a little ant trying to fight an elephant.5Views0likes0CommentsMake the legends skins lore friendly
I won’t in a million year buy a legend skin that doesn’t give the legend vibe or at least some of it. Because lore accurate skins make the game meaningful and even realistic in the game sense. Other then that the legend won’t have an identity and identity is very important when it comes to apex.5Views0likes0Comments