Seer: The Most OP Broken Unfun Game-Breaking Legend Ever.
I have nothing good to say about Seer. Nothing. A new character should not remove fun from the game, but the devs have managed it with Seer. The abilities are OP/broken. Cooldowns are basically nothing. Visually, the abilities TOTALLY RUIN playing the game. Most of Seer's skins are worse than the default, if not TERRIBLE. The devs are going to have a LOT, and I mean A LOT, of work to UNDO the destruction that this Legend/Season has done, if Apex Legends wishes to stay a competitive FPS... Yours truly, A die-hard Apex Legends player.5.1KViews45likes91CommentsCaustics nox gas ability needs a little buff
So Caustics gas is supposed to be used as area denial from what i can see, but the dmg it does isn't enough in this high ttk game (hope it stays with this ttk PLEASE). People will still run through it, kill you and not worry much about the gas. I think to make his gas more lethal is the longer the the person stays in the gas, the more dmg they take. The dmg can be increased by 2. Not sure how many seconds it should take for the dmg his gas does to raise, but just an idea of how they could buff his gas a bit.3.6KViews31likes47CommentsSTOP NERFING WRAITH
3 times, more than any other legend in the past 2 seasons of apex, wraith has been nerfed. This needs to change. By no means is she overpowered and she was by no means overpowered before the nerfs. If anything this seems like a way to try to get the player base to switch legends, but, newsflash, people like to have a main and Wraith is very popular for a reason. Stop the nerfs, because it’s making it frustrating to see all these other characters getting buffs all the time. Wraith should be buffed back to her status in season 1 and 2. She was balanced and strong, and now she’s at a disadvantage in a lot of ways. Stop giving low tier legends major buffs and nerfing high tier characters, it’s not helping and you’re causing the game to be even more unbalanced.3.6KViews30likes76CommentsWraith is nerfed to DEATH!!!
Either remove Wraith or leave her alone....u have made her near impossible to use compared to almost every other legend...where as im tired of all the buffs to Gibraltor, and returning his gun shield damage to 50 from 75 not a nerf.....COME ON!!!!!16KViews25likes99CommentsMirage’s ultimate
Mirage’s ultimate needs to allow you to uncloak yourself early. It’s stupid that if they see me while I’m invisible I can’t shoot back until the cloak goes away. It’s basically a handicap at that point. Also his clones should move around a little bit instead of just standing still. Like if they faked like they were shooting or strafing it would be better. please change mirage to make him actually worth using.3.9KViews24likes13CommentsBALANCING MIRAGE
Mirage is not a popular legend neither in pubs nor in ranked so i have some suggestions to balance him a bit : Tactical Ability: Psyche Out Mirage sends out a holographic decoy to confuse the enemy. Suggestion: when controlled ,the holographic decoy should animate everything that the real mirage does: shooting, recharging shields ,health, throwing grenades etc..... Passive Ability: Now you see me... Mirage automatically drop a decoy and cloak for five seconds when knocked down. Becomes cloaked when reviving teammates or using respawn beacons. Suggestion: All good here. Ultimate Ability: Life of the Party Mirage deploys a team of controllable decoys to distract enemies. Suggestion 1: Decoys should spawn in random directions not in circle pattern + same as tactical change. (Experienced players shoots the real mirage most of the time!!!) Suggestion 2: While cloacked mirage should take less damage or no damage at all. Suggestion 3: While cloacked mirage should be completely invisible .4.8KViews20likes31CommentsApex Legends: Suggestions to buff Caustic
About this post: I have noticed that several websites have been ranking the legends of Apex Legends already. Although the opinions about the best and worst classes vary considerably, a common theme is that Caustic is quite often near or at the bottom, most notably in these two sites: Why both unlockable classes can be considered to be underpowered: I agree that Caustic is underpowered at the moment, since all of his abilities are to do with Nox gas and his Nox gas traps almost always require camping to work. And as we all know, camping is no fun for you or your squad. Since he is a premium class, it just doesn't make sense for him to be so weak, and I think it should be buffed. Nobody will buy or unlock Caustic if he is so weak. Mirage, the other unlockable class, is ranked quite highly on some websites at the moment too, but since his abilities are all to do with turning invisible and making decoys, eventually people will figure out that they just need to keep shooting and look for the real Mirage, a bit like how TF2 players eventually learned the best ways to Spycheck. (Although without a class similar to Pyro to set Mirage on fire, it won't be quite as effective... But an experienced squad with good coordination can still beat Mirage if they know his abilities well.) After that, Mirage will probably become much less useful, except when your squad is fighting against new players. Suggestions to buff Caustic: But I can't think of any ways to buff Mirage at the moment, so in this post I will focus on ways that Caustic could be buffed. Firstly, teammates who stand within a certain distance of Caustic should also gain Caustic's Nox vision. This would allow Caustic to cooperate with his teammates when he is using a gas trap or gas grenade, because they can see who they are shooting at too, not just Nox, This would make Caustic more viable for trapping opponents in the gas while working as a team. Secondly, the gas traps could be made much smaller so that it is harder for enemies to see them, and you should also be able to attach them to the walls or the ceiling. The current gas trap is so big that opponents can spot them from miles away. The traps would be triggered either by shooting them or when an opponent gets within a certain distance of one. Plus, when a trap is activated, Caustic should be notified and an arrow appears pointing in the direction of the trap that was activated. The arrow would stay there until the gas from the trap despawns, and it means that Caustic doesn't have to be looking at his trap all the time, and can loot the other rooms of a building or an adjacent building while he waits for someone to activate a gas trap. When he gets notified, he can race back to the trap to kill the opponents before they escape or the gas despawns. The gas trap would still be most effective for camping, but it does make Caustic slightly more mobile. Thirdly, Nox gas is a POISON. So why don't people who breathe it in get POISONED? Rather than dealing direct damage based on the amount of time you spend in a Nox gas cloud, Nox gas clouds should inflict enemies with a 10 second poison effect that resets itself every second that the opponents are still in the Nox gas. It would deal the same amount of damage as before the change, except it lasts for 10 seconds after the opponent leaves the gas cloud. Plus, opponents who are poisoned would be slowed a little bit so it takes them longer to escape the gas cloud and Nox has a chance to catch up with them. Posioned opponents would have green bubbles swirling around them, and their interface would turn slightly green. Possibly the green bubbles would still be visible on an invisible Mirage, which would make it easier for a team to take down an enemy Mirage, but that is debatable because in my opinion Mirage will become less effective over time anyway due to players getting more experience (Like I said in part 2 of this post.) Also, there is a website which has more suggestions for how Caustic could be buffed and explains why he is so weak a bit better here: Conclusions Well, that was an extremely long post, but I do think that Caustic (and possibly Mirage) need to be buffed. Feel free to comment about these ideas, and hopefully EA will buff Caustic (with these ideas or similar ideas that also make Caustic better) eventually. After all, it's in their own interest: A stronger Caustic equals more money for them. Also, if you actually read this whole post through without skipping anything, you are awesome and you really care about this game. If you didn't I don't really care, it's a very long post after all. But remember to read the relevant parts before commenting 😉9.1KViews19likes17CommentsMirage Porkchop Buff
Okay so first and foremost I love Mirage. Hes absolutely fantsa, fantil, fantaf, uh.. a really great guy. But let me tell you his current build is really useless in any competitive game. Here are some ideas I suggest to help him be the trickster he was meant to be. Firstly I think his tactical needs to be changed slightly to some of the options below. I'm not saying all of these should be implemented but perhaps 1 or 2 of them: When decoys are shot at they give off a Flash Bang effect for 1/2 a second or 2 to nearby or attacking enemy players, When decoys are shot at they tag an enemy player more like Bloodhound / Crypto effect (The current tag is too short and vague, no movement or info on which legend attacked) Have his decoys jump and climb over things in their path (Right now most small rocks or object in front of them causes them to dissapear. lol wut) The decoys can shoot while they run, they dont do damage just cause confusion sound wise (Make noise or maybe they yell Mirage Quips), His decoys can look like other legends, He has multiple decoys on a charge timer like Wattson / Caustic traps. He can store up to 2-4 that recharge at a slower rate like 20 sec each or something. (This would be my favorite as his gameplay would be much more fun coming up with ways to bamboozle enemy players) His passive definitely needs work as the effect seems like something that should be added to the helmet or backpack as an effect. You never want to be downed in any situation so the passive is a always a last resort. And what if you are the last person left on your team? Its useless. Solo modes? Useless. Fighting someone with a digital threat or bloodhound? Useless. See where I'm getting at? As soon as you down a mirage you know hes just slowly crawling around and the prompt to execute shows where he actually is too! U S E L E S S! Even with a gold shield the amount of distance you can cover while downed is so minimal that you can barely get away far enough to use it before the enemy team hears you reviving and wrecks you. I think his passive should be something like these: When decoys get shot they reduce Cooldown on his ULT or Tactical again so he can keep sending more out. If his shield gets cracked or his health drops below a certain threshold he sends out a random decoy in a direction or he can switch places with a decoy he sent out prior. I think his Ultimate is in a decent spot. Except for the decoys he spawns. They just need to not even appear. Keeping them is fine too, but Have them run in all directions, not stand in 1 really obvious circle. " Look at me I'm Mirage and I am definitely invisible trying to flank you right now!" As is when you use Mirages Ultimate near any halfway decent player they know to listen and look for footsteps and can see exactly where you originated the ultimate from. TLDR: Please give Mirage the ability to be like he is in the Season 3 trailer. Multiple decoys bamboozling people. Right now he gets 1.... 1 decoy every 15 seconds that runs in 1 direction aimlessly and gets cancelled on the smallest pebble standing in its way. Give him that Juicy Porkchop buff he deserves.Solved2.4KViews18likes33Comments