Alter buffs
Alter is a really cool and interesting legend, but not very good compared to all the others. Her ultimate is not good or interesting and her other abilities are very limited. I really hope, that you keep buffing her since her last buffs were very good, but she needs a lot more to be decent or strong.
- She can stab other legends from further away with her tail. (New)
Note: Would be cool if the tail did something.
- She can see death boxes through walls, even after you looted them. (Change)
Note: It is very frustrating, that the loot box auras disappear after you picked something up.
- She can steal everything out of loot boxes (even shields) and ammo or small heals can be taken unlimited from further away. (Change)
Note: Being able to only steal one item is not very good and then being limited is unnecessary. This season you gave Loba the ability to take ammo, small heals and player cards without consuming the 2 slots she has, please do this for Alter too.
- She got two (was 1) charges.
Note: Too limited right now!
- The portals activate a lot faster.
Note: She feels very slow in a fast game like apex legends and having to wait very long for being able to go into her portal, makes it not very useful to enter fights or escape them.
Note: Her ultimate is very lackluster and boring. It only working as retreat point, that enemy players can follow to, is bad. There needs to be a way to teleport to more things, so you can use it to traverse the map.
- Infinite (was 2 with a perk) numbers of ultimates can be placed at a time.
- When the ultimates radius overlaps, they are connected to each other. This allows to teleport to other ultimates even when out of range as long as their radiuses overlap. (New)
- You can teleport infinitely (was 1) to the teleport points.
- Allows to teleport to ring consoles, scan beacons and loot drops (care packages) inside the range of the ultimate. (New)
- Edit; When holding the square button (on ps5) to start the teleport to her ultimate, you can press R2 (on ps5), which cancels it, but teleports you in 30 seconds automatically to the ult thing. (New, kinda like old revernant ult)
Hopefully someone at respawn reads this and gives alter the buffs she deserves!