Purchase on webstore
I just bought this pack for 50$ under the assumption (like all products in the entire world) that what was shown on the picture/cover would be in the purchase. This is blatantly false advertising, and a fraudelant deception to trick the consumer. There have been lawsuit cases in the past with this exact same issue for deceptive practices... Unless it was just a mistake and somebody forgot to add in the aeromagnifiers. I purchased this without reading the pack details fully. I just bought it and glanced. But, I wanted aeromagnifiers and Droid brains like it shows on the cover and not the fine print. Please send aeromagnifiers. Thank you. Attached is the false advertisement cover for the pack with aero's right in the center.56Views0likes4CommentsGreat Mothers Unique Working for Non-NS Allies
Great Mothers unique To The Old Ways states, "Whenever a Vulnerable enemy begins its turn, all Nightsister allies gain Foresight for 2 turns, and all non-Tank Nightsister allies gain Stealth for 1 turn" But this seems to be working for Non-NS allies as well. I attached a screenshot where Non-NS allies gain stealth when a vulnerable having enemy takes a turn in this case it was wrecker in Conquest.Solved51Views2likes3CommentsGeneral Kenobi Speical1 working on Locked Debuffs
General Kenobi Special1 "Dispel all debuffs from all allies and grant them the opposite buffs, if any, for 2 turns. All allies that were not debuffed gain Retribution for 3 turns. General Kenobi gains 60% Turn Meter." Bad Batch Echo Special1 "Inflict Buff Immunity on target enemy for 2 turns. Inflict Expose on all enemies for 2 turns. Dispel all debuffs on target other Clone Trooper ally and call them to assist. If that ally was Bad Batch, this Buff Immunity can't be dispelled, and Echo increases the target enemy's cooldowns by 1 (excludes Galactic Legends). This attack can't be evaded." So the buff immunity from Echo is supposed to be locked but General Kenobi can dispel it using his Special1. Conq.jpg shows Great Mothers having locked buff immunity. Conq2.jpg shows General Kenobi dispelling the said buff.Solved38Views0likes2CommentsPortuguese translation of Zorii Bliss Unique ability
Hello, Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Platform:Android, ios, PC What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? All OS Version All Ally Code: 521-571-291 What type of issue do you have? Translation Errors How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) Summarize your bug Portuguese translation of Zorii Bliss unique ability (There's More of Us) wrong Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? You need a Portuguese device and run the game on it. Connection Type Wifi Please select your region South America Country Brazil The Portuguese (Brazilian) translation of the "There's More of Us" ability is wrong. At the portuguese translation, it says that the ally at the leader spot MUST be a Resistance UFU, instead of a non-UFU Resistance.Solved10Views0likes1CommentShip/Toon Colors still 'greywashing' on selection screen with HDR on
When I go to a Character or Fleet Selection screen (like the current galactic challenge) the colors of the toons/ships greywash out. It's not really that noticeable on the characters but it's REALLY noticeable with the ships- see attached pic. When you go to the fleet selection screen you can see the colors for like a split second after the screen comes up but it washes out after. I poked around here and saw a post about it from the beta client and the determined cause was from Windows 11 HDR, which I can confirm is correct because this bug is STILL HAPPENING. So is there some fix for this that I'm unaware of (beyond turning off HDR which I don't want to do because it works in all my other games)? It's not really a huge deal; it's not breaking the game or anything, i just figured I'd ask.58Views1like4CommentsAnyone know why the GL currency is locked in the shard shop
I know the most likely answer is its either a bug or its related to the release of GL Ahsoka but if its the latter then why lock the dark side currency too? Surely even CG isnt malicious enough to stop everyone else grinding for other GLs just because a new one released90Views0likes2Comments