[IL] Signed Fishing Spots Not Working in Sulani
Product: Sims 4 Language: German How often does the bug occur? everytime. Version Number: 1.108.318.1020 DX9 Expansion Packs: cottage living, Cats and Dogs, Seasons, island living, Eco lifestyle, Jungle Adventure, My first Pet, Backyard, Luxury Party Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Go fishing at fishing spots in Sulani What happens when the bug occurs? Sim cant reach the spot and resets his to do list. I tried every Fishing spot in Sulani and it never worked. Fishing from the boat is still possible. Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? no Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes Please describe the patch or change you made. The newest Patch Edit By Crinrict: Adjusted Title to fit the one at AHQ.5.8KViews137likes75CommentsSpike glitch
Hello I have changed my graphics settings to be medium (I usually play low). I played for about an hour or so and everything was fine. Now I have this weird spike at the center of the screen. It happens on the lot I'm playing on when I zoom in and out but if I scroll off the lot its gone. Included in my pics is also my options levels. I have windows 10 operating system and then I think I have 64 bit lenovo yoga 9 but its also a hand me down and used computer. Does this effect anything? I have cc but all of the cc is downloaded from the sims3 exchange so its not like I've downloaded from another site. I specifically avoid mods because I dont want my game to glitch and not know how to start working back.71Views0likes4CommentsTeenager don't get third trait on aging/no Graduation
Just had a sim age up from a teen to a young adult. No notification popped up to select a new trait so they are stuck with 2 traits still when they should have 3. Additionally, they graduated from high school with "average rank" whilst being an A student (with the gold tick). I've only ever had sims age up with at least the "graduated with honours" trait whilst being an A student. For context, this child was adopted so unsure if this has anything to do with it, although I've had sims adopt in the past and this bug hasn't happened. This sim also didn't age up with the "high self esteem" trait from child to teen despite having high confidence as a child. Edit By Crinrict: Adjusted Title fit bug report at AHQ1.3KViews31likes18CommentsOverlapping festivals
The festivals from City Living keep stacking on top of one another instead of despawning. My SIM lives in 19 Culpepper House and I play on an Xbox One. I do not use any CC or mods as I am a console player I first noticed this bug yesterday 20/8/24 but it has escalated today, I tried going into manage worlds and back, visiting different lots and festival locations, and restarting the game. None of these have worked. Edit By Crinrict: Adjusted Title to fit the AHQ Bug report. Edit by Crinrict Know information about this There are currently two issues going on. One is the overlapping festivals, the other is [CL] [DU] [FR] [ECO] Objects cluttering worlds | EA Forums - 5036144 I personally believe that the overlapping festival issue is fixed while the other is not. The same goes for ice/roller skating rinks and food stalls. They should no longer newly occur. If you load up an save game from before Patch 1.109.185/1.99 (Sept, 18th, 2024) where you have played in either r-rentals, apartments or penthouses, you will see overlapping festivals in your save game. The reason for this is that because of a fixed bug, all those items were assigned to your apartment instead of the streets data where it should be. The patch fixed that and pushed everything back to the streets, making it visible. Unfortunately they are now stuck there and don't despawn. Please use this thread if you have food stalls, rinks, decoration and other festival objects getting stuck with the exception of these: Flea Market Furniture, Festival plants, Festival canvases, Flea Market Collectibles. The not despawning of these objects is caused by the other issue so please use the other thread. For those already having stuck festivals, there's currently no good solution other than to clean them up with S4Studio (you can find info here (Method 2): Festivals spawn on top of each other and don’t go away) or disable the pack temporarily (Resetting world of a certain pack) which only works if you haven't save the game after that September patch. You can also clean up the items with a mod but be careful what you delete and there are certain items that aren't selectable. I do not know if T.O.O.L can delete those. There is no solution for console If you have festivals NEWLY overlapping, in a save game started after Patch 1.111.102/2.04, please let me know.3.2KViews106likes48CommentsPurchased LSBs on the wrong account
Hi SWGoH Team, I've accidentally purchased several LSBs on the wrong account. I've had contact with the ingame Help (EA Help) multiple times over the last couple of months, but each time I'm left without a solution. I'm not looking to refund the purchases, but to transfer them. I can share additional details about the purchases, payments and discussions with the support team in direct message, if necessary. Of course prove of ownership too. The topic concerns the following purchased LSBs: CHEWBACCA LIGHTSPEED JABBA'S ENTOURAGE LIGHTSPEED BUNDLE JAWA LIGHTSPEED BUNDLE SMUGGLER'S LIGHTSPEED BUNDLE TUSKEN LIGHTSPEED BUNDLE The account I purchased them on, Ally Code: 162-965-659 The account I would like them transferred too, Ally Code: 486-337-172 EA_GunnerA guild mate recommended looping you into the topic as you've helped other with similar issues in the past.151Views0likes3Comments