GAC squishing
Another season begins, another squish is happening. You gotta stop this, this is the 4th time in a row that I'm losing 70 points or so. You have no idea how frustrating it is to fight opponents with much more GP than you, win more than lose, and yet lost points and eventually drop to k3 instead of climb to k1 because of this nonsense. You got to stop the squishing.1.1KViews17likes40CommentsGC is now obnoxious to play
this latest update is so bad that I just can’t find much pleasure in playing anymore. It took me a while to figure out why my Jabba squad did not get any rewards for dropping level 9…….. because I did not PURCHASE a pass to collect my loot!?! WTH is this! I have been pretty faithful since game release, and if memory serves, it was right around this time of year. This game has evolved so dramatically to the point where you have to spend. I did in fact spend, not as much as some. This latest move though, to rope us into your store and force us to pay more, that has got to be the biggest **bleep** move this group has done since release, so it’s appropriate for me to say farewell at this full cycle of the anniversary of release. This game has evolved beyond me.311Views16likes5CommentsDesperate Plea to the Developers
The recent update weakened the viability and usefulness of the Moff Gideon and Eeth Koth Datacrons, and that is something that literally nobody on the forums was asking for, at least from what I could find. The developers release a brokenly powerful a Datacron for their new Great Mothers that could only be achieved by spending absurd amounts of money, only benefiting those who can spend hundreds of dollars on the game at the drop of a hat, a Datacron that needs super specific team compositions and specific Datacrons to have a chance of defeating, and yet they decide that two Datacrons that far more players can benefit from are over performing. These Datacrons are only good for a maximum of four months and lends a viability for often older and otherwise ignored units but the moment they work better than predicted, they are weakened and essentially rendered useless despite the fact there are easy enough ways to get around them. Instead of rewarding the theory crafting and ingenuity of players making the use of the resources they are given to their maximum potential, they are instead punished for it, potentially even making investments in units that they otherwise wouldn't, especially for Eeth Koth, pointless and frustrating. I call on the developers to reverse the Datacron changes this latest update pushed out, it only hurts players and sheds the company in a negative light, that only those who can pay to win can have nice things instead of giving everybody the equal and fair chance to actually compete. I apologize for this lengthy rant, but it is bad optics in my opinion to downgrade something many players have actually been able to make use of while allowing the broken Great Mothers Datacron to reign untouchable by so many.462Views10likes3CommentsP1 and the Dagger changes are too problematic
I get that the main point of P1 is to help Executor on defense. However, Between Executor gaining P1 and the upcoming Dagger changes, this leaves nothing but Levi as a consistent Executor Counter and no consistent Levi counter at all, as the Dagger changes shuts out Sith Fighter start. As it stands, I think both these ships need to be changed (Or rather the change needs to change in Dagger's case). What made Sith Fighter start so good was the reduction in RNG. If your opponent has Levi, you could take your Levi on offense to counter theirs in case they had one on defense. Usually Levi on defense even if you met against someone else who invested higher into Sith Assassin, you had a second coin flip you could win. With the proposed change, we are back to the RNGfest it was on launch of who's Levi goes first. I think if the turn meter prevention on Dagger's unique was altered to instead flip granted bonus speed on dark side enemies (So Punishing one and co would lose speed instead of gaining speed) that should allow Levi to stop Exec again without disrupting the players using Levi to beat Levi and still allow the Chimera fleet to be usable to counter any fleet that is worth putting on defense after these changes. As much as I know it isn't going to happen, Punishing one also needs a nerf. Punishing one is the core problem of all of these issues and re-enabling one of these counters will make fleets much less taxing on players and may end up not warranting a change to dagger at all. Also, If I had a nickel for every time the people who invested Sith Assassin got scammed because another unit in the squad was reworked to prevent turn meter gains in a mirror, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.774Views9likes17CommentsFriendly Arenas: A New Era of Fun and Competition in SWGoH!
I know this topic has been brought up before, but I believe it's truly important. Imagine having a trading card collection and not being able to sit down and play with your friends whenever you want... It could completely change the game. I propose friendly arenas! Imagine being able to organize custom tournaments with your guildmates, friends, or rivals to prove who has the most powerful squad. Why friendly arenas? Increased social interaction: Strengthen bonds with your guild and have fun with your friends! Flexibility: You choose the teams, rules, tournament length, and themed challenges! Personalized fun: Create unique and memorable events with your friends! Learning: Try new strategies, improve your skills, and experiment with mod combinations to optimize your teams! Show off your power: Demonstrate all the effort you've put into your characters and gear! Friendly arenas would not only enhance the gaming experience but could also revitalize the community. Thank you in advance for taking the time to review this post! Your feedback will be invaluable in improving it, and we hope it will be considered by the development team. May the Force be with you!72Views6likes0CommentsLower GP should win if tied in GAC.
Simply put, the rules of a tie should be reversed. Instead of the lower GP losing and the stronger player getting stronger, the lower player should. This would help lower players grow and reward them for a well formed defense. I suggest this after I tied (10/10) with a person who had 3 times the GP as me. They had over 9 high relic characters and I have none (only 5 level 12s to my name). Who really won this fight? The underdog who's defenses held against 3 fights, or the lazy player who rested on their laurels and could have easily won if they tried?169Views6likes4CommentsIntentional manipulation of TW matching
Have to raise this issue again. There are still guilds intentionally holding back Territory War member joining in order to unfairly be matched against guilds with significantly smaller rosters (looking at you Mandal?rian H? riz?n #LightSideRules ). Apparently they are incapable of winning against guilds their own size, so they ruin the game experience for the rest of us by bowling over smaller GP guilds (for example, 12.3 million AVERAGE GP versus 9.6 million average). The matching system needs to be updated to prevent this abuse, or guilds need to have their rewards reduced based on the total or average GP disparity between the guilds they go against when they thwart the system for an unfair advantage.367Views5likes9CommentsGAC matchmaking needs to change
I’m sure this has been brought up before but I’ll say my piece. The match making in GAC is getting ridiculous. I feel I haven’t had an even match up in several seasons. At this point I’m losing more rounds than I’m winning and I’m still getting matched with huge accounts. I’m not looking for easy matches but 8/10 of my matches I don’t stand a chance at being competitive. It’s taking the fun out of what I think is the best game mode and the only reason I still log in to this game everyday. At this point I prefer the old GP based system from years ago. I can’t be the only one experiencing this and I would love to see it change for the better.187Views5likes2CommentsChanges to Dagger or to rng
If you're gonna make everything rng dependant in fleet battles with Dagger, then at least make a fair rng. 6 straight battles enemy leviathan started 1st when same speed. So 6 straight loses. And this in arena. Imagine when it's GAC and all the gameplay will rest in getting that (irreal) 50% rng to start 1st. It's not funny. You're ruining game.194Views5likes2Comments