Forum Discussion

MaurusDragorn's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
5 days ago

Desperate Plea to the Developers

The recent update weakened the viability and usefulness of the Moff Gideon and Eeth Koth Datacrons, and that is something that literally nobody on the forums was asking for, at least from what I could find.  The developers release a brokenly powerful a Datacron for their new Great Mothers that could only be achieved by spending absurd amounts of money, only benefiting those who can spend hundreds of dollars on the game at the drop of a hat, a Datacron that needs super specific team compositions and specific Datacrons to have a chance of defeating, and yet they decide that two Datacrons that far more players can benefit from are over performing.  These Datacrons are only good for a maximum of four months and lends a viability for often older and otherwise ignored units but the moment they work better than predicted, they are weakened and essentially rendered useless despite the fact there are easy enough ways to get around them.  Instead of rewarding the theory crafting and ingenuity of players making the use of the resources they are given to their maximum potential, they are instead punished for it, potentially even making investments in units that they otherwise wouldn't, especially for Eeth Koth, pointless and frustrating. 

I call on the developers to reverse the Datacron changes this latest update pushed out, it only hurts players and sheds the company in a negative light, that only those who can pay to win can have nice things instead of giving everybody the equal and fair chance to actually compete.  I apologize for this lengthy rant, but it is bad optics in my opinion to downgrade something many players have actually been able to make use of while allowing the broken Great Mothers Datacron to reign untouchable by so many.

  • Miketo28's avatar
    Rising Novice

    I upgraded Moff Gideon from relic 3 to 5 specifically for the DC. Can I get my investment back? I have four relic levels to go before I can begin to grind LS tickets for GL Leia. The diversion of resources was a sacrifice of time that you have now stolen by devaluing the DC.

  • I don't have any of the three DCs you mentioned. MG is R3 or so, and I currently have other much more important farms going on. Eeth is G10/11 (tops), so even if I wanted to I couldn't use the DC. And I for one am not about to spend ridiculous amounts of money every time a new toon is released, just so I can flaunt my slight advantage over everyone else.

    Still, I can see where you're coming from. First, the GMs DC is imo a huge middle finger for anyone who didn't spend a ton of money just to instantly get a single marquee to 7* and relic levels. If the DC made the team good, but not invincible, I wouldn't have anything against it. But as it is, there are one or two players in SA with a GM DC team, and regardless of what GL team I use, I either get demolished or end up timing out, and that's without the omi ability. In one of the recent TWs, I think there were a few players with that DC. It took us who knows how many attacks to deal with just one team. I repeat, it's one thing to give paying players a slight advantage and a permanent improvement to their roster, but not everyone can afford to spend thousands on every single new toon that gets released, let alone on a power boost that will go away in four months. As to the other two DCs, again, I understand. A lot of the previous DCs, especially in GL teams, are overpowerd as hell, but in any case, players spend a good amount of time and resources, in-game or real-life, to get them. And suddenly, a month and a half after they're released, CG decides to nerf them. Let me ask you this, CG. Why didn't you test them before the release? At the very least, why didn't you do take action sooner, like say a week after they were released? And that's just on the topic of how good they are, I'm not even going to start on how many bugs there are in the game as a whole.

    Honestly, if we go back about 6-7 years ago, you can just see how dedicated CG was to making the game competitive, yet fun and manageable. It felt like they actually cared about both the players and the game. Now, it just feels like they work on GoH as more of a 30-minute a day side task, while at the same time trying to squeeze as much money out of the players before they finally shut the game down.

  • So many sources spent on this team and now it's useless. Absolutely useless! What's wrong? It wasn't unbeatable, and eeth koth's datacron was weak in defence. So why you have killed datacron before december? I spent money when bought GR jedy relict 5 pack. And now I'm an owner of usless pack. Other datacrons much stronger, like mothers' one and not so many guys was using Eeth's one. So what was the reason to nerf it before it's life time? Please, be wise and make it like before. Because now it doesn't work at all. Not weaker for 10-20%, it's absolutely useless now!