Desperate Plea to the Developers
The recent update weakened the viability and usefulness of the Moff Gideon and Eeth Koth Datacrons, and that is something that literally nobody on the forums was asking for, at least from what I could find. The developers release a brokenly powerful a Datacron for their new Great Mothers that could only be achieved by spending absurd amounts of money, only benefiting those who can spend hundreds of dollars on the game at the drop of a hat, a Datacron that needs super specific team compositions and specific Datacrons to have a chance of defeating, and yet they decide that two Datacrons that far more players can benefit from are over performing. These Datacrons are only good for a maximum of four months and lends a viability for often older and otherwise ignored units but the moment they work better than predicted, they are weakened and essentially rendered useless despite the fact there are easy enough ways to get around them. Instead of rewarding the theory crafting and ingenuity of players making the use of the resources they are given to their maximum potential, they are instead punished for it, potentially even making investments in units that they otherwise wouldn't, especially for Eeth Koth, pointless and frustrating.
I call on the developers to reverse the Datacron changes this latest update pushed out, it only hurts players and sheds the company in a negative light, that only those who can pay to win can have nice things instead of giving everybody the equal and fair chance to actually compete. I apologize for this lengthy rant, but it is bad optics in my opinion to downgrade something many players have actually been able to make use of while allowing the broken Great Mothers Datacron to reign untouchable by so many.