Falling under map and still alive
When I was revived by my teammate in ranked game, the space ship spawned is a strange place under the map where me and my teammate could move and live. My nickname in steam is Greech and i have a small video about this glitch *CM Note - Link removed due to inappropriate language, title edited for CAPS sorry for my friends words.19Views1like0CommentsGame freezing while interacting with inventory or lootbox
Can't really describe what causes it but randomly if i try dropping some items from my inventory or i try to loot a deathbox (mostly armor swaps) the game will freeze for a sec or two when i pick up/drop the first item and then go fine till i'm done looting, can happen even multiple times in a single match and that's really annoying since this are core mechanics of the game expecially during fights (armor swaps). This is what should happen everytime https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2360676745?t=00h43m57s and the proof i can fast swap. This are multiple clips of the actual problem https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2360676745?t=01h44m51s https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2360676745?t=02h25m35s https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2360676745?t=02h38m03s I assume the inventory and the box bug where it makes the game freeze are related since the same thing happens.17Views0likes0Comments