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NBA live 15 Free throw problem
Having problems in gameplay almost every game. I am playing rising stars and every time a foul happens I worry its going to freeze like it does just about every game. Its not that the game itself freezes, its just that the ball never goes to the free throw shooter and it just has the guy stand there waiting for a ball that never comes. I like nba live more than 2k but having this problem is happening just about every game and I am forced to quit the game and start over. It is getting ridiculous.Anonymous11 years ago20KViews22likes129Comments- Anonymous8 years ago55KViews7likes81Comments
NBA Live fails to connect to server
Since i started the demo ive not been able to get it to connect to EA server. I can play the game and access any features not required internet. When the game loads up it starts looking for an update. It always gets to 15% and then stops for about a minute until the error messages comes up. NBA-DCFP. i assume its trying to download a new patch for the demo. any ideas?11KViews2likes68Commentsnba live 15 ultimate team crashes when setting line up.
Anytime I add a player to my line up in ultimate team I get an error crash. It is completely unplayable. Tried to get tech support to call me but they literally hang up in .1 seconds and I cannot answer fast enough. Tried again with the phone in my hand and my finger on the answer button, same thing, hung up already. I need help, this game isnt working but it was fine for a week and I was enjoying it. Ce-34878-0 error code.SolvedAnonymous11 years ago2.5KViews0likes56CommentsUseful suggestions for the new NBA Live 18
Hello there, I've been a hardcore NBA live fan since I was 7 back in 2000 and felt the need to provide you with some useful suggestions before the release of NBA LIVE 18. Now I do acknowledge that NBA Live is finally headed in the right direction with Live 18 compared to Live 16 but there are a few things that EA Sports should take into consideration since it has a strong partnership with ESPN. 1) I feel that you guys should add more of the NBA on ESPN themes especially the ones that are used during the NBA Playoffs. For example the themes in this link Usually those are the themes that they use during the playoffs which is something that you guys have yet to use in your games. I mean it's one thing that you have the ESPN License but atleast use it in the most realistic way possible. You guys should also add some of the new and old themes that they use during the regular into the game As well as this NBA theme This theme and this For now that's the only concern that I have with the game. Please take these suggestions. It will make the game better 🙂. Hope you have a good day. I love NBA live gamesSolvedAnonymous8 years ago17KViews4likes47CommentsGame Freeze
I was playing the league and when I paused it when one of my teammates was about to shoot a free throw it froze. I mad because I was having a great game and it was almost over. They need to fix this ASAP I’m suprised that there hasn’t been a patch to fix the multiple problems with this game.SolvedAnonymous8 years ago6.1KViews4likes43Comments100% on all pro-am objectives but achievement doesn't unlock
Product: NBA LIVE 18 Platform:Microsoft XBOX One Which version? Full Game Which feature / component / location in game are you experiencing issues with? The One How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? After completing all the objectives in pro am (everything says 100%) the achievement "Legend of the Streets for completing all the objectives doesn't unlock. Has happened to multiple people. What happens when the bug occurs? Achievement doesn't unlock What should be happening instead? Achievement should unlock How severe is the bug? A - Crash/Critical Myself and multiple others have done all the objectives and the achievement hasn't unlocked. It should unlock upon completion of the last objective, but it doesn't. I have talked with lots of people with this problem. Please patch. Image added to show full completion and no achievement.Solved11KViews2likes38CommentsError Code : NBA-DCFEA
So playing the Live 18 and anytime I go to open a crate and buy one I get this code and I have to log back in to S.A.. I can play online but I can't get any of the rewards because I get lagged of the EA at the end of the game even tho I win the game????SolvedAnonymous8 years ago8.4KViews16likes38CommentsI can not unlock 3rd trait slot. It unlocks at level 21. I am at level 43.
Product: NBA LIVE 18 Platform:Sony Playstation 4 Which version? Full Game Which feature / component / location in game are you experiencing issues with? The ONE career mode, How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? I am not sure. I can not unlock 3rd trait slot. It unlocks at level 21. I am at level 43 and it is still locked. I have not been able to apply a 3rd trait. I feel that I have put in too much time to unlock all of the traits I have just to start over! I have contacted (case number 33181347) they forward my concern to their Studio. The representative stated our Studio will contact you directly (via email) and it will come with a resolution with it . This was on 9/16/2017 around 12:30am. What happens when the bug occurs? I can not apply a third trait. What should be happening instead? I should be able to apply 3 traits at level 21. How severe is the bug? B - Major Product: NBA LIVE 18 Platform:Sony Playstation 4 Which version? Full Game Which feature / component / location in game are you experiencing issues with? The ONE career mode, How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? I am not sure. I can not unlock 3rd trait slot. It unlocks at level 21. I am at level 43 and it is still locked. I have not been able to apply a 3rd trait. I feel that I have put in too much time to unlock all of the traits I have just to start over! I have contacted (case number 33181347) they forward my concern to their Studio. The representative stated our Studio will contact you directly (via email) and it will come with a resolution with it . This was on 9/16/2017 around 12:30am. What happens when the bug occurs? I can not apply a third trait. What should be happening instead? I should be able to apply 3 traits at level 21. How severe is the bug? B - Major SolvedAnonymous8 years ago12KViews9likes37Comments[Issue resolved] Xbox One - League Mode Stuck
can't play any NBA League games just keeps loading and playing musicSolvedAnonymous7 years ago1.8KViews4likes36CommentsFranchise Mode nba live 19 freezes after playing a game
Product: NBA LIVE 19 Platform:Microsoft XBOX One Which version? Full Game Which feature / component / location in game are you experiencing issues with? Franchise How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Go to Franchise, end/quit game and you won't make it back. What happens when the bug occurs? It freezes and kicks me out of NBA Live 19 to my xbox home screen What should be happening instead? It not freezing...ever How severe is the bug? A - Crash/Critical Product: NBA LIVE 19 Platform:Microsoft XBOX One Which version? Full Game Which feature / component / location in game are you experiencing issues with? Franchise How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Every time in Franchise mode the game freezes after a game. Doesn’t matter if i do or don’t touch the rosters. I’ve reinstalled the game. But as soon as I finish a game it freezes. What happens when the bug occurs? Freezes and kicks me out the game What should be happening instead? Going back to the main menu for franchise to play another game in the franchise mode. How severe is the bug? A - Crash/Critical SolvedAnonymous7 years ago23KViews4likes35CommentsAlway crashing five minutes
So I decided to download NBA Live 19 on my Xbox with ea play a month ago. I also have the disc. The game always seems to crash when it’s updating on the menu screen. Then I lunch it again everything is fine but it seem to crash every five minutes and I don’t what to do I’ve already tried to report a bug that did not work and I’ve tried all the troubleshooting steps on Xbox. Is anyone also having the same problem.Solved13KViews1like32CommentsTraits and Objectives issues
Lost all my traits and Objectives progression everything got reset back to zeroSolvedAnonymous8 years ago3.8KViews0likes32CommentsNBA live 19 Update Bug
Product: NBA LIVE 19 Platform:Microsoft XBOX One Which version? Full Game Which feature / component / location in game are you experiencing issues with? In game updates How often does the bug occur? Often (50% - 99%) Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Trying to see if it the same issue to you What happens when the bug occurs? So when I play the game I sign into my profile it get me into the menu and it shows below on the bottom left screen of the corner saying updating and it gives me 13 out of 13 update and It keeps happening every single time so I wanted to know that if my EA account have corrupted data for this game. What should be happening instead? Letting me play the game with no issues whatsoever How severe is the bug? B - Major Solved21KViews0likes29CommentsXbox One - NBA Live 19 - Crashing 5-12 Minutes into the game.
I’ve owned NBA Live 19 for about almost a year now and this issue has never happened to me until Live 19 has gone onto gamepass. I’ve tried Hard Reseting My Xbox: Fail I’ve tried reinstalling the game: Fail I even put in my NBA Live 19 Disc in so it doesn’t install the digital version: Fail I honestly don’t know what is happening with EA right now but this needs to be fixed immediately. If somebody has a fix for this please help it would be very helpful. Thanks!Solved11KViews2likes26CommentsNBA Live 19 Trophies not popping/ glitched/unobtainable
Good day. I hope I'm in the right place.I believe that some trophies in NBA Live 19 are unobtainable. First is 'Take Em Down'. This trophy is supposed to pop in Live Event, but since it's glitched other trophy 'World Domination' pops intstead. The trophy that pops is for the World Tour mode so it's messed up, making the 'Take Em Down' trophy unobtainable. Next is 'CLUTCH'. Now this trophy should pop when you make a game winning shot with green release. I have tried a lot of times and it's frustrating that it does not pop like in NBA Live 18. I am aiming for the platinum and these 2 trophies and the 3 legend status trophies are all I need. I hope you can see and make a patch for this. Thank you so much. More power. Edit: I believe that the 3 trophies tied to Legend status are also glitched. I've already saw couple of ICON statuses and they didn't get the trophy. As seen in playstation stats. Please make a fix. I know only small percentage of sales are from trophy hunters but it greatly affects decision on buying if there are glitched trophies. Fix the 5 trophies please.4.2KViews2likes24Comments