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chaos420priests 334m
looking for 1 someone who will communicate someone who can follow guild commands in tw's and tb's someone who wants a guild to call home/not a quick hit it and quit it (i mean c'mon,buy us dinner atleast before touching our lightsabers like that) no backpack yoda's or mol's!! Ahsoka - Buttons Missing
Ally Code: 383-743-765 Phone: Galaxy S22+ Android: 14 (OneUI 6.1) Issue: During my GAC battle the game did not froze but the battle buttons went missing as you can see in the recording. I tried to touch everywhere on screen but, even though the UI buttons were ok to be pressed, nothing made the buttons come back. I was forced to quit the battle after some minutes in the same state. You can see the team comps on the recording.IcarusSunwalkerPlace SWGOH Bug ReportsSWGOH Bug ReportsSeasoned Traveler4Views0likes0CommentsUndying Ben Solo Glitch - 4+ Months later
Will the glitch with an Undying Ben Solo (which causes an invincible Rey and automatic loss) ever be fixed? It's been occurring, however rarely, for at least 4 months. When I last reported it, CG told me it couldn't be replicated but it still continues to pop up. Multiple people have experienced it, now can you fix it? rewards system needs a rework
Is it just me, or does the current reward system seem illogical and in need of improvement? I recently realized that the weekly event rewards are exactly the same for all divisions! It doesn’t matter if you finish 1st in Aurodium or 1st in Carbonite—you get the same rewards. At the very least, there should be clear differences in weekly rewards based on the division you’re fighting in. All our lives we’ve been taught that it’s better to be the worst among the best than the best among the weakest. Right now, CG’s system punishes players who strive for better results. On top of that, smaller accounts often have to fight, for example, in Bronzium against accounts with three times their GP. Why? Because it’s worth it for those players to stay there, rack up easy wins, and then throw a few battles here and there to avoid fighting opponents at their actual GP level. Let me give you my personal example. My account is around 6.5M GP. In Aurodium, I was regularly finishing 2nd to 4th, and sometimes even 1st, in the weekly events in Aurodium. Because of that efficiency, I recently got promoted to Kyber 5—where I now regularly lose because the number of squads required is beyond the depth of my roster. So now I end up finishing either 8th or somewhere between 7th and 5th in most rounds. Which means… it was actually more profitable for me to purposely lose in Aurodium to avoid moving up to Kyber, rather than keep winning and then face much stronger rosters. And no, 10 crystals difference per day between A1 and K5 does not make a difference :) And here’s the simple math. If I finish 2nd-4th three times in weekly events, I get: 1,500 Crystals (3x500) 4,800 Championship Tokens (3x1,600) 450 Mk I (3x150) 6 Zetas (3x2) Plus the end-of-season Championship reward. But if I finish 8th three times in Kyber, I get: 300 Crystals (3x100) 2,241 Championship Tokens (3x747) 150 Mk I (3x50) And zero Zetas. Even if you add the end-of-season Championship reward for Kyber 5, the overall payout doesn’t come close to balancing out. And even if I manage to win one round, it still doesn’t make up for the difference. Does CG plan to do something about it?EzebePlace SWGOH General DiscussionSWGOH General DiscussionSeasoned Newcomer112Views2likes5CommentsSummoned Units Last Alive, Order of Operations.
So I was doing 3v3 GA -> My Bane & Sith Assassin Vs Padme/MQGJ/POW . My Bane Whirlwinds Killing everyone on the Team BUT the Summoned Handmaiden so my opponents Side is just a Summoned Unit which by the Handmaiden & other Summoned units Descriptions "When there are no other allied combatants, this unit escapes from battle" should this not be the first Priority check/Action at the end of turn/attack in a given sequence Ending the Battle without checking any other effect? Because instead My Sith Assasin now takes a turn and because of Bane now dies, now bane goes and THEN she escapes effectively losing me banners. This also happens with summoned vulture Droids in Gervious Fleets where only the summoned units are left and they start to disappear but they start to apply his TM gain and in given scenarios can get him to 100% TM take a turn Summon ANOTHER vulture driod and be able to summon reinforcements thus continuing what should be a done battle which has led to lost battles in GA.6Views0likes0CommentsLooking for a guild merger...
I'm looking for a guild merger to boost all of our rewards in this game! We are 30 players, so if you're in a guild of 10-20, we'd like you to come join us... we do ROTE, ds geo and we beat guilds who have 80m more power than us regularly... Let's get together and conquer the galaxy... We're a discord required guild and we have some string players on board, always willing to help everyone... Send me a message and we can accommodate officers accordingly... Prisoners of the monarchy Rick Cranium - leader33Views0likes3CommentsNot even sure if its a know GAC bug or what
Just went to do my first GAC battle for the round. Loaded up SLKR with DS rey and hux against SEE and bane with wat. My only counter to them. After about 3 seconds of the battle the app just closes. Have to open it again, it reloads, counts the battle and disposes of my team. Thanks CG. I have a screen recording I cant attach because the file is too large.BDoop71Place SWGOH General DiscussionSWGOH General DiscussionSeasoned Traveler23Views0likes0CommentsYavin a Blast, a casual but active guild needs 1
Yavin a Blast, a casual but active guild needs 1. Very few rules - Just participate and stay active. Perfect for FTP veterans and those trying to grow. In game communications. 400 Mil GP Guild / 4 Mil GP individual minimum. Ally Code: 516-617-5757Views1like0Comments- LexTanoPlace SWGOH Technical IssuesSWGOH Technical IssuesSeasoned Newcomer56Views0likes8Comments
Game Buttons Gone Missing
I was in my Grand Arena doing a battle of Ahsoka Tano, Ezra Bridger (Exile) and Huyang vs Jabba the Hutt, Leia (Boushh) and Krrsantan and I had just gone into Ahsoka's ultimate ability and used Ezra's second special to Exile Boushh, and then my buttons disappeared and I was stuck sitting there doing nothing until the battle ended. And I tried clicking any button I could multiple times but my battle buttons didn't come back and I lost the battle because of it. Usually the game has some lag issues after using Ahsoka Tano's ultimate but usually my buttons don't go missing for the rest of the battle.19Views2likes3CommentsJoin "The Way of All Flesh"
We are a semi-casual guild where requirements are loose, all we ask is daily activity and participation in Guild Events (Raid, TB, & TW). We'll begin ROTE as soon as we hit 250m GP. Currently seeking 19 players with at least 4mil GP. Several high GP players here for new(er) player strategy/advice/discussion. Discord optional. Send requests/questions to ally code: 958-414-167. Recent stats below:AutistofWarPlace SWGOH Guild RecruitmentSWGOH Guild RecruitmentSeasoned Newcomer5Views0likes0CommentsGAC Ben Solo doesn’t die. Not just constantly revives; he does not die.
Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Platform:iOS What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? iPhone 15 Pro OS Version 17.6.1 Ally Code: (Find it here: ) 513-458-259 What type of issue do you have? Gameplay How often does the bug occur? Rarely (0% - 9%) Summarize your bug Ben Solo would not die in GAC. His health would deplete to zero, where he’d normally die/disappear. But his body remained and I couldn’t kill GL Rey (got her health all the way down to red, but it would hold as if he hadn’t been killed yet). Then, per his omicron, when GL Rey took her turn (she was the leader), Ben Solo’s health would revive to 51%. But he had never died to begin with. The battle eventually timed out, with the two of them remaining (Ben Solo at 0 health). I even got credit for killing 4 enemies (as if it *did* register that I’d killed Ben Solo). When I went back in for the second battle, Ben Solo was not there. Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? My team was JML, JKL, Old Ben, Hoda, and Shaak. Their team was GL Rey, JTR, omiBen Solo, RH Finn, and RH Poe. They had no DC, and I used a DC from the Unexpected Resurgence line (I don’t remember which one). I killed everyone off except for Ben Solo and GL Rey, and had my entire team remaining. Connection Type Wifi Please select your region North America Country USA Screenshots of the end of battle, showing Ben Solo at zero health, but still standing. Then, being awarded 4 points, as if I’d killed him, and after the battle where his icon is faded out (like he’d been killed in the first battle).302Views1like4CommentsCommunity Milestone Event - Jocasta Nu
Hello Holotable Heroes, We’re back with another Community Milestone Event! Featuring character shards from Darth Malgus, Maul, Queen Amidala, Luthen Rael and our new Conquest character - Jocasta Nu, new Datacrons, Data-cache Currency and Deboss materials! To participate all you need to do is use Conquest Energy in-game. The collective effort of all players helps move progress along and unlock rewards at every milestone! The Community Milestone Event will start from Monday, when the new Conquest run begins. Due to a Holiday landing on the same day, we'll be updating the progress the community is making daily starting from Tuesday, so keep an eye out for what rewards you’ve unlocked together as a community. (Updated - March 3) - CONGRATS! YOU DID IT, WELL DONE EVERYONE! Please note, unlocked rewards will be distributed after the event has concluded. The event will run until the Conquest run ends. Best of luck, and may the force be with you! — Milestone prize breakdown: Milestone 1 reward: x20 shards of Darth Malgus. Milestone 2 reward: x20 shards of Darth Malgus and Maul. Milestone 3 reward: x20 shards of Darth Malgus, Maul, Queen Amidala, 1 Datacron (from Set 20), x300k Data-cache Currency, x90 Deboss Mk1 Material. Milestone 4 reward: x20 shards of Darth Malgus, Maul, Queen Amidala, and Luthen Rael, 2 Datacron (from Set 20), x500k Data-cache Currency, x90 Deboss Mk1 and x75 Deboss Mk2 Material. Milestone 5 reward: x20 shards of Darth Malgus, Maul, Queen Amidala, Luthen Rael, and Jocasta Nu, 3 Datacron (from Set 20), x700k Data-cache Currency, x90 Deboss Mk1, x75 Deboss Mk2, 30x Deboss Mk3 Material.CG_MeatheadPlace SWGOH Game Info HubSWGOH Game Info HubCapital Games Team32KViews23likes74CommentsCoaxium Heist Not Working
I got the omicron on parsec 10 a week ago, have made several purchases since then, and it does not refresh or give me any further rewards, even though the webstore clearly says it can be refreshed. Went to the in game chat for help and they said they won’t help me and I need to post my issue in the forums. Thanks for that. Someone please help. I’m owed quite a few rewards. CG_Meathead my ally code is: 31586938725Views1like2CommentsSaw Gerrera Leadership Bug
Saw Gerrera's leadership ability, Freedom Isn't Free appears to be bugged. As written Saw Gerrera gains 30% health, then after checking that all allies are Rebel Fighters all Rebel Fighter allies gain a set of effects and Saw Gerrera is granted the ability Set Explosive Trap. Then, a new paragraph is started which states "At the start of the encounter, Saw gains speed up for 1 turn and all allies above 10% health loose 10% health, gain Critical Damage Up for 1 turn, and gain 2 stacks of Heal Over Time for 1 turn". This paragraph continues on always specifying allies, rather than rebel fighter allies. As written, in a team that is not fully rebel fighter the effects laid out in the second paragraph should still apply for all allies. Fixing the application of this leadership to all allies or rewording it to reflect its function would be extremely helpful to everyone interested in designing new teams.SabergoblinPlace SWGOH Bug ReportsSWGOH Bug ReportsSeasoned Newcomer18Views0likes1CommentThis is a terrible mistake
At the Grant Arena, I destroyed the first stage and opened access to the fleet of battles. destroyed the entire fleet. Then I destroyed the (3 of 4) stage and lost!! by points! Who only destroyed 2 character stages!!!!!!!! Is the fleet arena cheap and doesn't matter?JohnOWreathPlace SWGOH Bug ReportsSWGOH Bug ReportsNew Spectator15Views0likes0CommentsStill having issues whilst trying to login in to mobile account
Hello, so several weeks ago I posted about having this serious issue, while I was trying to login in to my account on my android device (aforementioned Galaxy S23) So today, I thought I solved that bug/issue or whatever it is, but to no success, but I think this information will give some value and insight to the Dev team, that is if they're reading this... Anyway a small reminder of what the persisting issue is: Everytime I try to login in to the game, game's progress resets and it asks me to login, the Gmail account was already preset for some reason, so the only option is to login through EA account. But everytime I login (or rather press on my profile), the game asks me to restart with the "ERROR CODE 9.78." .So I am basically stuck on this loop So the way I thought I solved the issue: I went to the device settings 》apps 》"Heroes"》force stopped the app》the deleted cache and data separately Launched the app, it worked - but only for a singular login (tried this method several times to confirm) After launching the app the next time I was stuck on the same logging in loop FYI: WHILE I WAS IN-GAME I SAW THAT I WAS SUCCESSFULLY CONNECTED TO THE EA ACCOUNT (AND I PERFECTLY REMEMBER I CHOSE THE OPTION OF KEEPING ME LOGGED IN), AFTER RELAUNCHING THE APP I WAS ASKED TO LOGIN ONCE AGAIN So after this BS experience I am not planning to come back to play mobile version until it the issue is resolved.152Views0likes1Comment
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