Forum Discussion

i-Norm's avatar
Seasoned Adventurer
4 months ago

Can we have an honest conversation about Legends here

Post your annoyances here and someone get the DEVS to read it.

I'll start with a simple few on Lifeline.

Why can't you use Lifeline's healdrone in the storm but every other legend can use their abilities? You used to be able to deploy the healdrone for a few seconds. Now you cannot use it at all. Why? I think they should make a choice and say if one legend can't use their abilities in the storm then no legend can. Once you're in that storm its heat shields and meds. 

What is the point of Lifelines new Ultimate? It's a dumbed down version of Gilbralters shield. I thought orginally it was meant to be a healing shield. If you're teams in it they heal. Nope. It doesn't do that. It's so pathetically open that enemies just toss grenades into it. It takes 4 seconds to eqip and throw down so if you're running and you wanna use it as a cover while being shot, you had better be quick! 

Finally. The glide system is good for nothing. It's slow, open and gets you nowhere. At least if you glided faster than you can run it would be worth using. 

Overall, Lifeline, apart from the ability to share your healdrone which is great, Lifeline is worse off in my opinion. 

4 Replies

  • @i-Norm I kinda felt like she, and other supports, got a bit over-tuned this season. All of them get double heals from small heals, regular walk speed while healing, and then they seem to have perks that get your team fully healed in just a few seconds. It's near impossible to push a team with a Lifeline and New Castle. They heal up so quick, and with cover.

    The drone flying thing is a novelty for the most part, but it can be used with the grav cannons, jumping off ledges, and other nuanced circumstances. It's helpful from what I've seen.

    Healing in the circle was an issue when they messed up a few seasons ago. You could climb fairly high in ranked by just surviving, that's why there's a bunch of band-aid fixes for it. I mostly agree with where we are now though, I don't think her drone should work in the storm, you already get the double healing with syringes. The circle needs to be feared to an extent, and I think we're mostly in a good place with it. Circle two hurts a bit too much in my opinion.

    Her ult is okay, it comes in clutch, if they actually remember to use it lol. I think it's getting to the point we don't need too many new heroes. There's starting to be a lot of overlap, which is fine, but maybe round out the roster so there's an even amount of heroes between classes?

    It's been a good season for supports to shine, and I like this meta for the most part, it's just a bit over-tuned. Teams are healing up too quickly to be able to punish missteps, or over extending. A good New Castle/Lifeline combo drags fights out too long right now. Long fights are good for the game, but not when it just comes down to who gets luckier with how the final circle closes.
  • @i-Norm A lot of what I was going to say, @WhoopFighter already said, but they did miss one part:

    Lifeline's ultimate reduces the healing time of all healing items while inside the ultimate.

  • @i-Norm
    Velocity while running 299
    Velocity while gliding 325
    That's current
    You just need height to get a prolonged glide off
    Like off a roof or off a tall rock
  • Zulkiers's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    3 months ago
    I'd also like to be able to kit out some legends in different kits and classes.
    One legend, multiple kits.
    Ex: Revenant the Silencer and Revenant the Leaper, they are both Revenant, but it gives two ways to play him.
    Valkyrie the Skirmisher and Valkyrie the Recon.
    Loba the support and Loba the Skirmisher (Idea Phase).
    Lifeline the support and lifeline the... TBD.
    Mad Maggie the Assault and Mad Maggie the Recon (idea phase).
    Octane the Skirmisher and Octane the Support (Idea Phase).
    Some may have more than two.
    Some may even get a kit for every class.

    In the meantime, I'm going to theorize...
    Ooo, Mirage the Support and Mirage the Controller... Controller abilities would be setting up decoy traps instead of throwing decoys. With decoys roaming the set up field, will the enemy figure out which is really Mirage?


    What do you think?

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