Forum Discussion
So you're a predator player that enjoys playing casual games and dominating lesser skilled players to relax. SBMM is in most FPS games even the casual aspect of them just look at Overwatch, their ranked and quick play matchmaking is determined on how you perform.
Why should any new player or casual players experience be ruined by some guy that spends 900 hours on the game? these complaint posts are not gonna do anything, because I doubt respawn care as much for the opinion of a 900 hour predator player compared to the casual players they want to attract to the game.
It's completely fair that a predator player be put against players of equal skill rating. Ranked matchmaking's SBMM on the other hand needs to be fixed.
I still even havent figured out how this new SBMM works. I have 2.7 k/d, 10k kills, alot of 3 k dmg banners but not the 4k or 20 kills, and In the beginning all my matches were totally stacked with at least 60-70% of the drop trails being last season Predators or Diamonds. But now, it seems like I get quite easy matches when I queue solo; I usually get 2-6 kills and 1-2k dmg every game. But as soon as I queue with friends with significantly worse stats than me, our opponents are quite stacked again....
- 6 years ago
@Babbediboopi wrote:I still even havent figured out how this new SBMM works. I have 2.7 k/d, 10k kills, alot of 3 k dmg banners but not the 4k or 20 kills, and In the beginning all my matches were totally stacked with at least 60-70% of the drop trails being last season Predators or Diamonds. But now, it seems like I get quite easy matches when I queue solo; I usually get 2-6 kills and 1-2k dmg every game. But as soon as I queue with friends with significantly worse stats than me, our opponents are quite stacked again....
Thank you for your insight! Providing clarity on how one's matchmaking ranking is acquired could definitely help us players understand how to express ourselves better. How lobbies prioritize is also of interest - Will I get queued against full teams if I have one? Does SBMM primarily go by the highest person in a party or is it averaged? These are very good questions we can get out of your insight.
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