5 years agoHero+
Rework this broken gun. Imagine being a horizon up on his q and still being beamed by a mastiff for 70 damage 10 meters away while up in my ability. Seems balanced yea??
3 Matches today im beamed for 70/120 from 20-30 meters away. Some people sure know how to use this gun a lot better then others i suppose at long range? While i shoot at that range aimed at their chest and hit for 13. But you mean to tell me these people from same range can hit me for 70/120??? Delete the gun or the unbalanced game.
Moved this over to the Weapons & Loot Feedback board.
the worst thing about it is definitely the Damage done on far Range
I often see (hear) people shoot me in the back even if I just used my Octance stim and am already like 80m away from them
I would not even try to Damage that running Octane with a MASTIFF
I hate that gun . . .
I prefer 301 Aiming and Tripletake or Spitfire (or Flatline)
also the R99 isn't my fav.
greetz ZaiT (lamer hater)
edit: people better use some Aimtraining Software or practice more in Apex
instead of using that ugly Mastiff !
edit2: whoever disagrees with anything I said is a 12 year old noob to me btw.
close distance fights when more than 8 teams are alive simply aren't the smartest thing to do when u play for Ring and want to win the Game
which is the most important thing to me 😉
not a Fight addict (got 1600+h and only 10,4k kills)
but am very satisfied with all my Statistics ; )
smartplay is key !
and people who push solo into another team or don't listen to voicelines like "There is a 2nd Squad coming" need more gamesense
it's just not smart to be between 2 teams and not run to a safe spot or to be on lowground
ok... that's enough tips for everyone I guess 😛
@E9ine_AC wrote:3 Matches today im beamed for 70/120 from 20-30 meters away. Some people sure know how to use this gun a lot better then others i suppose at long range? While i shoot at that range aimed at their chest and hit for 13. But you mean to tell me these people from same range can hit me for 70/120??? Delete the gun or the unbalanced game.
Kinda same stuff yesterday, tho for whatever reason i have terrible game both in Kovaak, in Quake Champions(its great game to play for overall improvement in your game), and in Apex.
Needed lik 3-4 hours to get used to(i`m playing it part times now :D) i still died exclusively to Mastiff in line 80% of the cases.
I mean i`m strafing super fast(not too fast to not move at all), i`m jumping, but the gun have insane amount of ammo, the reload is completely broken, its not a full reload, it also doesn`t punish you for missing a shot, cause of the fast fire rate.
This weapon has zero downfall.
People are using from the roofs to sniper you, when you are down in like 20-30-40 and even 50 meters range.
And at close range is just insane.
I was watching old stream of dizzy and in non-ranked games, aka average players were missing so so many PK shots, its nothing compare to now. Mastiff is easier to use. And PK was definitely broken too back in the day.
Again the damage should be way lower, reloading should be a full reload, and the bullets should be 6, but rather 4-5.
But they won`t do it for sure. Its the casual weapon that lower the skill ceiling, its what they want. It didn`t work out, because so many people cried out when they try to lower the skill ceil with lowering the TTK back in S6, but all of the Pros started to crying and they bring it back to semi-normal, but still left the buffed gun, which still lower the gap.