5 years agoHero+
Rework this broken gun. Imagine being a horizon up on his q and still being beamed by a mastiff for 70 damage 10 meters away while up in my ability. Seems balanced yea??
Rework this broken gun. Imagine being a horizon up on his q and still being beamed by a mastiff for 70 damage 10 meters away while up in my ability. Seems balanced yea??
@E9ine_ACFor me, I have always had a hard time shooting shotguns unless they are literally in front of me. It seems pretty balanced to me. High-risk high reward, and that's if you're close to the opponent
Mastiff still needs to be nerfed. I silenced this Wraith before she got on a building's zipline, and somehow she glitched past me and didn't exist at the same time. I'm guessing lag, but that's not really the problem, the problem is she shot me 3 times, and like none of these are headshots... but 106 to the body??? Uh... what?
Tested damage in the firing range and only got this result:
While the Peacekeeper does 6 more damage to the target when all bullets land, is that really the difference between standard and heirloom tier weapons? Also, why am I unable to get 106 damage done to the body, like in the death cap picture? Before anyone goes "you had low profile", I was playing as Revenant at the time, and Revenant doesn't have a low profile problem.
I decided not to stop there, what does the max headshot damage do?
Hmm... 143 Peacekeeper - 128 Mastiff = 15 damage difference. Be a little annoying to kill Caustics and Gibraltars, somewhat fine for normal legends, while low profile legends such as Wraith, would be taking about 145 // 130 damage respectfully. This renders the Peacekeeper practically useless. How so? Well, if you do 6-15 less damage per shot (assuming all bullets land and hits the target), why would you ever want to pick up a limited ammo gun?
110-143 Peacekeeper: Can two shot purple and below players. If a player gets two headshots in a row, they do 286, which will knock red evo players, this should also knock fortified characters in two shots as well.
106-128 Mastiff: Can two shot purple and below players. If a player gets two headshots in a row, they do 256, which will also knock red evo players, and most likely will knock fortified players. (I would have to test it on fortified players, but don't think I need to)
Results: Both guns, while different in damage, can easily two shot pretty much anyone, (one shot no armor players), the only difference is one can choke the spread, but also have limited ammo. So why limit yourself, when the Mastiff is basically a ground care package weapon? Not to mention that these damages are AFTER the Peacekeeper got buffed a few seasons back, when it was care packaged. So, in reality, they would do virtually the same amount of damage.
Mastiff requires no player skill every player has it for secondary weapon. If you are in 20 meters from an enemy who has a mastiff you have no chance. Needs to be nerfed . Otherwise why there are lots of weapons in this game if nobody uses them ? The most beautiful game i've ever played but this meta and SBMM is killing the game. Shame...
@E9ine_ACI've literally replied to your last post about the Mastiff, and I still agree it needs to be care packaged or nerfed. The mastiff is like the EVA, and the Peacekeeper is like the EVA double tap. Not everyone uses double tap, and some can murder you rather quickly without the double tap.