5 years ago
[Megathread] Season 6 Feedback
Hello everyone, i want to share my opinion after playing some games in Season 6. First of all i want to start with legends buffs/nerfs: Legends: I saw a topic in legend feedback section, there were ...
I would like to compliment Respawn of their effort for this season. I like the map changes, Rampart is great (love her personality) and the Evo shields on drop and ground loot is a great idea.
Having energy weapons back, will take some getting used to, but that is not the end of the world as we had them before and coped just fine. The Volt is great, but only when you are the one using it, yes that sounds a bit petty, but honestly, if I hear a Volt, I run the other way as I know my game is over and no point in playing on.
Now the negatives, the drop in armour hitpoints is honestly the worst idea ever. It is not fun playing anymore, especially with a standard ping of 200, it is nearly impossible. You don't even have time to find cover... if someone sees you, you are dead. I don't even want to take fights anymore all I can do is to camp, which is essentially what they are trying to avoid, but they keep causing it.
PS I'm not blaming my ping, but it is noteworthy as you are at a disadvantage already. I'm not the best player with and overall KD of 0.75, but I've enjoyed to see how I have improved over all the seasons to reach 0.95 in Season 5, which I am proud of. My goal is to get to 1, but with how the game is now, it will be impossible.
And what is up with the ring moving so fast? You could challenge someone in the 1st ring and still be able to get out, now, you make a run for it and don't even look in the direction of the gun fight, as number one, you will die and even if you by some miracle survive and win the fight, the ring will kill you with no chance of making it out.
I love watching ALGS, but for goodness sake, I don't like playing like that, I'm a casual gamer not a pro playing for money. I want to take fights and have fun. All that happens now is a lot of running away from the storm and people with Energy weapons.
All the negatives have overshadowed poor Rampart as no one is even talking about the new legend like always, all I see is complaints about the TTK instead of how cool Rampart is.
There is also something wrong with the sound. You will hear a random sound during gameplay, but that we can take as a glitch, but the fact that you can't hear footsteps is horrible. I thought the Wraith that killed me yesterday was cheating as I got killed by her standing literally behind me, but I did not hear a thing.
I'm not sure if the drop in armour hit points made such a great difference and if there is something else that influenced the way you die so quickly, but please change it back. All the seasons up to this one was so much fun to play. It was just the right balance between being challenging and fun at the same time.
The reason why no one is talking about Rampart is because she is quite in the troublesome spot. She is good, she is really really bad at most cases. Her minigun...her...mini gun... being honest, shouldn’t be placed on the spot, at least for her anyways, she can place it but she can be the only one to rip it off and use for the 173 ammo in it which makes her a threat. Another one, she’s a defence legend... where is her fortified? You she she would have modded her amour to have it or something? What they’ve done with the eco armour is a disgrace and shouldn’t be defended, starting with it is the good benefit but shouldn’t be the only armour in the game.
her amped cover, there is a bug going around where it gets destroyed in one shot, it should be more armoured than 414 hit points or 1 if that bug gets into it. I just played a game where I grabbed a spitfire and wrecked people with her cover, 9 in fact, but only because the armour change was in effect, if it was regular armour, ie, 50 75 100 125, I wouldn’t have killed that many in the span of 2 minutes....
they have broken this game by only watching the pros and getting advice off of them to benefit them and hinder all of us. It’s so annoying with the health and only evo shields. Crafting is good but annoying when it takes two months to level up your shield and another squad comes and picks it up when you are dead in a split second... also, your teammates shouldn’t be able to pick up whatever you fabricated... one person stol my level 5 crafted evo when he had level one got in a fight and died... octaine mains...
I know it’s because they’re big builds, however, Watson shouldn’t have low profile because I don’t understand how have had the same hit box as mirage and Bangalore and still have it. Pathfinder is the same size as gibby and caustic... with his grapple on a year cool down I think he shouldn’t have it.
as with ramparts shields... that needs to change. It needs health all the way through. I get into a fight and place it down by instinct, like up do with the grapple on pathfinder to get out of dodge. Only for it to blow up in my face, no that needs to change, so much they messed up on and so much they could change for the better. But high hoe, lets see how much more are they going to buff wraith and nerf everything else