@E9ine_AC What he's trying to say and as someone who soloq all the time I understand it.
I play the game since mid season 3 and my experience in the last 10 months is this all over and over again
- little Timmy is jump master drops hot dies in 2 seconds with teammate I am left alone against a 3 player squad
- they land at the same building as you steal the loot in front of your nose and when an early flight starts you are toast
- looting the same area for 15 minutes, ring comes, they either die to the ring or get gate kept
- mindlessly rushing in to a fight when hearing gunshots not measuring enemy teams position, they die in 2 seconds
- dropping solo to the other side of the map get knocked down and than spamming the enemy right in front of me button
And this is the experience in the last 10 months, the dreadful play circle what never ends
I understand that apex a team based game but:
1. Because of the mentality of randoms, the meaning of team does not exist
2. I am sorry but why do I have to have a team just to enjoy a game?
3. I am too old to surf around the lfg pool on the forum after a hard day of work again just to enjoy the game
Yes apex is unique, apex is a team based game but that is not an excuse to have a solution for solos.
I know you can't change people, but you can always tweak the system