7 years ago
Mirage’s ultimate
Mirage’s ultimate needs to allow you to uncloak yourself early. It’s stupid that if they see me while I’m invisible I can’t shoot back until the cloak goes away. It’s basically a handicap at that po...
The ultimate is a good ultimate, not being entirely invis is a good balance for all the decoys that you spawn.
It is just that you are a slightly stealthed bleeding pig, running around waiting to die if you are in a fight.
All they need to do is give you the ability to uncloak and unholster your weapon.
@Premadness wrote:The ultimate is a good ultimate, not being entirely invis is a good balance for all the decoys that you spawn.
It is just that you are a slightly stealthed bleeding pig, running around waiting to die if you are in a fight.
All they need to do is give you the ability to uncloak and unholster your weapon.
Except, it's not a good ultimate. As has been said dozens of times in this forum. It's not good because it's so predicable at this point. His Ult circle of clones has become less of a "bamboozle" and more of a giant beacon to look for the blurry defenseless dude. His whole concept is about "bamboozling" enemy characters, and with the except of a well placed Psyche Out decoy he fails at that on all levels.