Forum Discussion
The thing is MM got much much better for me with SBMM.
Before I had 3 wins per week, now I can get 2 per day and for sure my play / aiming / accuracy hasnt improved...
I feel well placed in SBMM, but they really should tell us how they calculate and how flexible the level can change.
Other threads say a smurf account is on the right level in 12 matches...
But why can't an old account go down in skill to the right level?
Is there no leveling down?
Leveling down is one of the most important things in a flexible MM!
If I am tired after a long work day I play worse than on sunday morning!
I want to be calculated to the right level in maximum 5-10 matches...
Flexibility should be the most important difference to ranked MM.
There you can't level down and you get trapped at your maximum level.
Actually this automatically makes playing ranked obsolete after some time!
But thats the goal of ranked... so SBMM should be ifferent to this!
2,16 K/D, 1019 kills, Avg dmg:584. I am now constantly getting matched with diamond/preds in public lobbies. Everygame champion is some crazy pred. It was working fine for 500games and even though my K/d and the rest of the stats were going down slowly... suddenly Respawn started to see me as crazy predator lobby guy. I am %90 sure sbmm is taking matches played as a big referance or lifetime kills because other then that everything is worse then last week but still...
- 6 years ago
So in your first post you said your smurf had 1k kills and 2,3 K/D.
With a winrate of 10% and 40 wins, this are about 400 matches.
So 1k kills with 2,3 K/D pretty much matches this (calculated 920 kills in 400 matches).
2 weeks ago you said, you have 1016 kills, 2,16 K/D.
With about 570 games, your kills per match have dropped to 1,8.
But your K/D still is pretty stable, so you dont die much more.
It's seems you just do less damage or the enemy has better evasion (didnt the armor values change?)
So my stats have changed to
625 matches -> 880
WR of 6,72% -> 6,0%
K/D of 0,74 -> 0,76
Got 39% top5 placement -> 37%
332 damage per match -> 327
My damage is pretty much the same, my K/D has a tiny improvement, but I am loosing more matches.
So I am the same as before, but maybe something arround me has changed...
My feeling is that I was paired with worse players in my team.But thats hard to proof...
- 6 years ago
@Flashshark1980 okay let me update my smurf again;
Kills: 1787
K/d: 2,16
Avg Damage: 590
Lifetime games: 944
Wins: 100
top 5: 299
Rank: Plat 1
After a big row of looses i am back in my lobbies where i belong. What i realised during this time is if a predator friend joins my party we go to crazy streamer lobbies which was expected but what i didnt expect was when he leaves i still go into those lobbies for 20 or so matches., that basically destroys my 20 games for good.
This smurf account is still perfectly placed in SBMM while my main account is still unplayable. No matter how many games i loose and die in first 5 seconds, nothing changed. So the difference between my main and smurf is still lifetime kills, playtime, rank in ranked lobbies. So if those are the only stats that matters its nothing about the skill you have. If i play more i will catch my main with the kills as well how can this work out ? I mean if its SBMM it should have thrown my smurf to crazy lobbies? but no, my main suffers, i suffer and my smurf is still in my own level which is unaccaptable!
- 6 years ago
Really interresting!
Your K/D is stable and winrate is still at nearly 10%.
Damage is stable...
If they really take lifetime kills/matches//playtime as a factor, of course SBMM can't work for long time pro players.
Those numbers have nothing to do with skill...
But it seems like that, because many long time pro players complain about SBMM....
Well, but we will never now for sure...
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