Forum Discussion
84 Replies
Yeah, it needs a pretty big nerf. Its range is too long, damage too high, and ROF too quick.
Saying this as someone who has used it consistently for the first 3 days of Apex, and now avoid it like the plague because of how OP it is.
It's just easy mode.
- The wing man is the most op gun in the game.. shotguns are meant to one tap up close with a good shot
I use it all the time, why? Because it's OP and one of the few options to use, the arsenal is very limited when it comes to end game weapons.
Anyone saying "git gud" and other dumb comments should just take a look at the stats of the weapon, it's that and Wingman that stands out with 2-3 and up to 4-5 more damage than any other equivalent weapon, it's too unbalanced.
There's a reason why every single streamer has a wingman, it's not because it's cool to headshot people with a revolver, it's because it's ridiculously overpowered over everything that's not a sniper and even outclassing some of them, at any range.... The list is long.
Also the range is pretty ridiculous on these close range weapons."The Peacekeeper makes every single gun at close range irrelevant. You will not beat it with any AR, Sniper, Smg, or Pistol in the game." - MagmaticWolf
Oh really?
Quick scope headshot from the Kraber. Sniper ✓
G7-Scout does over 50 damage on headshot even to purple helmet and has a rate of fire almost 5x higher. Sniper again ✓
R-99 has the 2nd highest non-headshot DPS in the game (minus mastiff). SMG ✓
Devotion has the highest headshot or bodyshot DPS in the game. LMG ✓ (assuming turbo charger)
R-301 has the 2nd hightest headshot DPS in the game (minus mastiff). AR ✓
Wingman has a higher fire rate and with skull piercing attachment does at least 84 damage on each headshot. Pistol ✓
Looks like you're wrong on all accounts.
Quick run down on TTK for each one of the above
assumptions made
purple helmet
full purple armor
full HP
100% accuracy / 100% of pellets hit
Peacekeeper assuming all pellets hit (headshot or not doesn't matter) = 1.03s
Kraber quickscope headshot = instant
G7-Scout all headshots = ~0.88s
G7-Scout all bodyshots = ~1.32s
R-99 all headshots = ~0.71s
R-99 all bodyshots = ~0.88s
Devotion all headshots = ~0.46s (assuming turbo charger)
Devotion all bodyshots = ~0.73s (assuming turbo charger)
R-301 all headshots = ~0.75s
R-301 all bodyshots = ~1.17s
Wingman all headshots = ~0.59s (assuming skull piercing)
Wingman all bodyshots = ~1.17s
BONUS peacekeeper can lose in TTK to the EVA-8 as well *
EVA-8 all headshots = ~0.94s
EVA-8 all bodyshots = ~1.41s
The only thing the peacekeeper needs done about it is have a slightly larger pellet spread so it isn't as good at range.
Not everyone can aim with the wingman though, it has high recoil.
If shotguns are meant to one tap at close range then a fully kitted longbow/tripple take should be able to one tap with a headshot.
You know something is off about the peacekeeper when people would rather use it over the mastiff.
People use the peacekeeper over the mastiff, because the mastiff actually has significant pellet spread that limits it's useful range A LOT. That's the ONLY thing that's even remotely OP about the peacekeeper. Damage is fine, Fire Rate is fine, etc.
Mastiff is a legendary weapon though, it's rarer than Peacekeepers which seem to be everywhere on the map.
Damage is not fine 110 body shot 165 headshot, how is that fine? with the rate of fire that it has? that's much higher damage than a sniper headshot excluding the kraber., range is not fine. it's too versatile a gun. It's overpowered.
Watch it get nerfed.
@Comanglia wrote:"The Peacekeeper makes every single gun at close range irrelevant. You will not beat it with any AR, Sniper, Smg, or Pistol in the game." - MagmaticWolf
Oh really?
Quick scope headshot from the Kraber. Sniper ✓
G7-Scout does over 50 damage on headshot even to purple helmet and has a rate of fire almost 5x higher. Sniper again ✓
R-99 has the 2nd highest non-headshot DPS in the game (minus mastiff). SMG ✓
Devotion has the highest headshot or bodyshot DPS in the game. LMG ✓ (assuming turbo charger)
R-301 has the 2nd hightest headshot DPS in the game (minus mastiff). AR ✓
Wingman has a higher fire rate and with skull piercing attachment does at least 84 damage on each headshot. Pistol ✓
Looks like you're wrong on all accounts.
Quick run down on TTK for each one of the above
assumptions made
purple helmet
full purple armor
full HP
100% accuracy / 100% of pellets hit
Peacekeeper assuming all pellets hit (headshot or not doesn't matter) = 1.03s
Kraber quickscope headshot = instant
G7-Scout all headshots = ~0.88s
G7-Scout all bodyshots = ~1.32s
R-99 all headshots = ~0.71s
R-99 all bodyshots = ~0.88s
Devotion all headshots = ~0.46s (assuming turbo charger)
Devotion all bodyshots = ~0.73s (assuming turbo charger)
R-301 all headshots = ~0.75s
R-301 all bodyshots = ~1.17s
Wingman all headshots = ~0.59s (assuming skull piercing)
Wingman all bodyshots = ~1.17s
BONUS peacekeeper can lose in TTK to the EVA-8 as well *
EVA-8 all headshots = ~0.94s
EVA-8 all bodyshots = ~1.41s
The only thing the peacekeeper needs done about it is have a slightly larger pellet spread so it isn't as good at range.
This. I've said it a few times. Here it is again. Just take away the ability to put the choke attachment on the peacekeeper. Just like the other shotguns, it should take bolt and optics. The choke gives it too much range for a shotty. If its still OP after that maybe mag reduction to 4 (match the barrells anyways).
Numbers and all are cute and stuff but in the actuall game i get one taped with Blue armor from a Peacekeeper, this just should'nt be. At least let me breath 1-2 seconds more. Down the damage(not to much ofc), increase the spread in range and you still have a solid shotgun.
Numbers don't lie, people do.
" i get one taped with Blue armor from a Peacekeeper" - 0A_Vex
^ See people lie.
You want to know how I know?
Cause the numbers say that Peacekeeper maxes out at 165 damage if every single pellet hits as a headshot. Guess how much damage it would need to do to 1 tap Blue Armor and full hp.
Oh yeah 175, so 10 more damage than max possible. You can't be 1 tapped with full blue and full hp. Not to mention how rare it is for every pellet to connect as a headshot...
On top of that we haven't even factored in helmets, if you had a blue helmet the peacekeeper would do about ~142 damage.
If you got 1 tapped you didn't have full blue armor and/or you didn't have full hp and/or you didn't have a helmet
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