Forum Discussion
Well all you no life’s bitching from your moms basement have finally gotten what you wanted: lobbies of lower level players so you can pub stomp for your 4 viewers on Twitch. Meanwhile the bulk of the player base, the casual and average players are leaving in droves because getting run over by some loser who lives to play video games over and over gets old super quickly and takes every ounce of fun out of the game. The season 4 matchmaking changes will be the beginning of the end for this game bc it’s now only fun for about 5% or less of players. I used to love this game, and I have a life, job, and family, so I’m a casual/average player at best. Since season 4, I’ve played probably around 10% of what I did in all previous seasons, starting on day 1. Enjoy it while you can, bc soon there won’t be anyone left playing this game except the sweaty no lifers, and the game will be dead if things stay the way they currently are with matchmaking.
- 5 years ago
I am not so concerned about pub games. Those I can tolerate to some extent but what I can't stand is absolutely trash matchmaking in ranked.
90% of the time I don't have a premade squad and I am often getting matched with people from gold and/or level <150 (I am plat 1, lvl500) who can't even use their ults.
I simply gave up on ranked and in fact playing the game much less now than ever before because of this.
Respawn claims SBMM is working well and help with player retention .... i call it complete bs and disconnect from the actual state of the game.
Perhaps they don't account for smurf accounts who make their statistics look good but as with statistics, you can show (or see) whatever you want, regardless of actual data.
I have never seen anyone asking for SBMM, yet Respawn won't take a step back and fix it or remove it. Developers not giving a rats * about community feedback about such a crucial feature of there game will eventually lose their player base to another studio/game that does ... and we have a pretty good contender coming up very soon so let's see how this plays out.
- 5 years ago
Mixing premades with randoms is what needs to stop.
It's making Duo mode a joke; pred duos Vs me + rando lvl30 gold; wtf?!?
Tbh it doesn't matter though; my discord group have moved on, the in-game invite system is necessarily disabled, so making no acquaintances is impossible, and I've run out of patience with randoms.
I'm done for this season.
P.s. For the record this event was siht; worst yet. Duos offered some hope, but with the matchmaking how it is.... garbage.
- 5 years ago
sbmm is a shlt show in casual games. seems legit for ranked mode. i dont play ranked tho, could careless about a rank or badge. i just wanna kill motherƒuckers. thats why i make a new account everyday, sometimes 2. not my fault...
i understand yall are doing what you think is best for the game, it just doesnt work for me and my skill level.
.. brb registering new account.
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