Forum Discussion
@BenchwarmerbrewBoo Hoo, Mouse and Keyboard players literally have an advantage at everything else
Also theres PC Players that use macro which gives aim assist, and theres really no way to know if someone is actually on controller or mouse and keyboard decides guessing based off of movement/aim, and lmfao hemloks do that... its how underrated that weapon is test it out in the firing range, aim assist does not go for headshots as you claim all it does is slow down sights and adds a curve around an opponent
you can’t be blaming aim assist tbh... i tested it out in the firing range and my aim is still decent about 30m away from the dummies and I tried on the targets that have no aim assist at all, and im a trash player... theres players with way better aim than me
for the hemlok situation its 44 damage per headshot... and if hemlok is in burst mode thats 3 shots for 132 damage... you can’t blame that on aim assist lmao I tested hemlok with controller and m+k and its the same either way but alot easier with m+k imo and i NEVER use m+k
Another thing a hemloks recoil is straight up... in burst so literally if you just aim for the chest you are guarenteed 2 headshots almost unless your aiming too low but again this is tested on targets that are standing still
Keep living in your bubble. Funny how every time i get lazered by someone thats streaming they are ALWAYS on controller vs i almost never get lazered when someone is on PC. Funny how that works
- 6 years ago
@BenchwarmerbrewKeep living in your dilusional world then, even weapons like R-99 require skill to tame the recoil, try controller for yourself for once its not as easy as all of you mouse+keyboard users believe it is
I tried R-99 just straight fire no right stick and it aimed like crap on the red dummies and went straight up above their heads... you have to still fight the weapons recoil patterns
I believe you assume ‘’aim assist’’ is straight up aim botting and goes straight for the head and that just is not the case at all... ive played apex for 900 hours on controller I believe I would know by now... even tracking players is difficult and requires alot of skill compared to just pointing your mouse where you want to go as I believe pc to be from a controller users point of view- 6 years ago
sure whatever you say. explain how these "trash" controller players have better aim then the top 100 preds I watch on twitch.
keep living in your bubble
so Aceu can just hop on controller and melt people with 0 effort? thats not broken? remove aim assist. If you need something to help you aim, then youre on an inferior system
- 6 years ago@Benchwarmerbrew Your arguements are still injustified tbh, platform dosn’t matter, what matters is skill just because you don’t have any dosn’t mean you need to cry for an ‘’excuse’’ to be removed from the game... learn from your failures and only then will you suceed
- 5 years ago@FaIIenAngeI777 I'm not sure he understands how aim assists works...
I hear that Aim Assist on PC is much less than console, and honestly I wish they would reduce it on console to match PC, because its WAY too much.
Aim assist does NOT lock you on and keep you on your target allowing you to lazer. I play on very high sensitivity, and basically it just decelerates crosshair as you move left to right or right to left over a target, basically giving you an extra split second to let go of the right stick to lock onto target.
The PROBLEM with this is, it causes such a slow down and DRAG on the aim that when a person is strafing and moving, it actually makes it harder to track the target, because it slows down your sensitivity.
The range of motion and recoil control on a thumbstick is also so minimal compared to M&K range of motion. On keyboard you can flick way out to spin and adjust dpi to slow or increase sensitivity. Its also pretty try easy to strafe when you just have to tap two keys back and and forth. The combinations of using your left trigger to ads and left thumb for movement while the right thumb aims and the right trigger shoots. A little more complicated than a keyboard button layout.
Also, who are you watching bro? Cuz all the streamers I see who are one clipping are on PC Mouse and Keyboard, not controller.
As for recoil, aim assist doesn't do much. If you go into the firing range, aim assist will activate on the red dummies, and regardless of if you shoot a target or a dummy, you need to pull down against the recoil exactly the same amount.
@dodst1 I think needs to go get himself a controller and plug it in. Go to the range and realize for himself that he doesn't shoot better with a controller and aim assist than with his mouse and keyboard.
Cuz apparently he things that aim assist is some sort of "auto aim". If you set your crosshair a few inches to the side of a target, aim assist isn't just going to drag your crosshair over onto target. Its literally nothing but a reduction to sensitivity and a m&k player could literally do the same thing with a Key-bind used to lower dpi sensitivity and use it when shooting- 5 years ago
Remove it
- 5 years ago
Yes r99 requires skill. Using a controller with aim assist does not. I played ps4 for years. I was master in overwatch. It is * busted in apex. TSM imperial Hal( who does not use controller) picked up a controller and is winning pred games
- Midnight97465 years agoHero
- 4 years ago@Benchwarmerbrew Bruh every time I play on PC i get lasered by m&k players. When I play on console, I NEVER get lasered. M&k is way op.
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