6 years ago
Revenant Buff
I think Revenant is a good legend. But I think a buff is needed for him. Here is some thoughts. Passive: Make him climb a bit higher Make him crouch a little faster(not at running speed) Tactic...
It’s gimmicky the games a shooter melee is clunky the best of times and a last resort I don’t understand the need for it to be melee what’s so good about it ? I am guessing your playtime in game is quite low I have played enough to know this is just a silly concept (2x apex pred approaching masters this season) and in-fact having this kind of ultimate would be a nerf to him
P.S: I don’t care about the competitive side. So Apex Predator doesn’t matter in my book. I play casuals instead. Don’t say a silly idea(which is not) can’t be a buff but a nerf. Your just ticked off that you can’t do any of these ideas
P.P.S: Don’t take this seriously, the idiot part was a joke. Plus the 10 kills part. So chill. Know that, DON’T FREAKING GUESS ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE. Take the rest seriously but the jokes.
Well I have 5600 kills so... and yes the ultimate making you run about punching is stupid