Forum Discussion
I don't understand the mentality of the people complaining about skill gap in this game. Did any of you expect to jump into a competitive fps that is not the typical genre that you play and win? I have been playing fps games for more than 20 years and when i started this game i had absolutely 0 expectations in terms of how many kills or victories i would get.
I had to play more than 30 matches to get my first victory. I got my first kill on match 5.
This is a BR game, stop trying to make it paly like OW. If you do not like how a BR game plays, you are free to go back to OW. But first be patient and willing to learn how to play the game the way it is supposed to be played. Learn the map call outs. Learn the map loot locations (areas that have high quality loot, areas that have mid quality loot etc.). Expect areas that have high quality loot to be full of players and most definitely attract both noobs and expert players. It would be better if you are a noob to go to a mid quality loot area and keep moving constantly. Do not spend 10 minutes in one area looting. Finally do not expect to win. If you happen to win it's just an extra. Not even the top pros win every game. If you want to improve your fighting chances then simply practice more. Jump into more games learn to play different characters so you know what are their strong points and what are their weaknesses.
Even pro players aim at a high quantity of games to get more wins. Learn from them and adapt.
Having a skill based system will most definitely guarantee you even less wins than now. The opportunity to run a new account and pubstomp noobs to fodder stats is just too great to pass for any seasoned player.
@Karsot When I'm starting doing something, even if it's competitive, I don't expect to be pitted against the best of the best. If I go to a chess club, I don't expect to be greeted by Garri Kasparow and thrown out if I don't win. I don't expect to be played into the ground by Messi when I step onto a football field, or get aced by Roger Federer in my first tennis game.
So why do so many people think it's okay to throw absolute noobs into the same game as a killing machine?
Oh right, because the people okay with it are the ones who are already good and it gives them free kills.
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